Wednesday, June 17, 2020

BREAKING: DOJ Proposing a Rollback of Big Tech Protections

BREAKING: DOJ Proposing a Rollback of Big Tech Protections
Brodigan - June 17, 2020 at 03:20PM

Big Tech deplatforms anyone they don't like. Lately, with the support and encouragement of the Democrat party (see NANCY PELOSI WANTS ADVERTISERS AND SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS TO CANCEL YOU FOR BAD COVID OPINIONS and BUSTED: YOUTUBE DELETING COMMENTS CRITICAL OF CHINESE COMMUNIST PARTY). But who can we count on to deplatform the deplatformers? According to the Department of Justice, them. Or at least they are suggesting that congress be involved. What could go wrong?

The U.S. Justice Department proposed on Wednesday that Congress take up legislation to curb protections that big tech platforms like Alphabet's Google and Facebook have had for decades, a senior official said, following through on U.S. President Donald Trump's bid to crack down on tech giants.

The goal of the proposal, which is being finalized, is to push tech companies to address criminal content on their platforms and boost transparency for users when the outlets take down lawful material, the senior Justice Department official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. But to become law, U.S. lawmakers would need to propose and approve legislation based on the department's recommendations.

Trump wants to "remove or change" a provision of a law known as Section 230. Under the 1996 Communications Decency Act, Section 230 does not generally hold platforms responsible for what their users post and allows them to moderate the content of their sites as they see fit.

I keep going back and forth will how I feel about this. We've of course had/are still having our problems with Big Tech. Just yesterday, we found out that Google threatened to deplatform The Federalist unless they deleted their comment section. In a story that started with NBC News narcing out websites critical of them to Google, based on a foreign "fact-checking" site.

DEVIL'S ADVOCATE: Tim Pool vs. Skyler Turden Debate Big Tech Censorship! | Louder with Crowder

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