Wednesday, June 24, 2020

GOP Cuts BRUTAL Ad Calling Out Black Lives Matter as MARXIST

GOP Cuts BRUTAL Ad Calling Out Black Lives Matter as MARXIST
Brodigan - June 24, 2020 at 08:32AM

Here's my blanket disclaimer separating the sentiment of black lives mattering from Black Lives Matter the Marxist political organization. 5...4...3...2...

Many of us have been waiting for the Republican Party to grow a set. Yes, that includes the head of the GOP himself (see INJECT TUCKER CARLSON'S RANT ON STATUES AND THE DO-NOTHING GOP DIRECTLY INTO YOUR VEINS and VENEZUELAN WOMAN EXPLAINS WHY LEFTISTS TEARING DOWN STATUES SHOULD SCARE EVERYONE). Leftist activists are basically running rampant, destroying public property, taking over blocks of cities, and generally breaking laws that any other American citizen would get arrested for. Worse, some of our Democrat elected officials not only AREN'T enforcing the law, they're signaling their support for the activists. At a time like this, an opposition party that did some opposing could be helpful. We don't seem to have that. Though this new ad from the GOP could be signaling that they are waking up.

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