Courtney Kirchoff - June 15, 2020 at 07:05PM

Sit down and learn something. A black woman in Seattle's CHAZ (now CHOP), educated a few whites on who the real racists were. Hint: not the Republicans. She explained why she was voting for Trump and against Biden, and how black Americans are more conservative than liberal. Give it a watch:
Most people, black, white or rainbow colors, don't know the true history of the Republican Party. I haven't seen the movie, but I did read the book, and Gone with the Wind touches on this. I dunno, maybe that's one reason it got banned by HBO Max only to make the best seller list everywhere else. God forbid people realize the Democrats have a history with the KKK.
Our lady in the rain slicker is correct when she says it was the Democrats, not the Republicans, who wanted slavery. It was the Democrats, not the Republicans, who were against civil rights. It is still the Democrats, not Republicans (in my opinion) who want real equality with the elimination of quotas and affirmative action.
Who wants to bet that media will quickly sweep this lady under the rug?
from Steven Crowder Says