Monday, June 15, 2020

EXCLUSIVE! The Joys of Communism: Elijah Schaffer's Live Tour of CHAZ!

EXCLUSIVE! The Joys of Communism: Elijah Schaffer's Live Tour of CHAZ!
Courtney Kirchoff - June 15, 2020 at 03:34PM

Seattle Mayor Jenny Dirken has said she thinks/hopes that maybe CHAZ (now CHOP) would turn into "free love." According to Elijah Schaffer, who is on the ground in Seattle's stinky utopia, the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" is anything but free love. Unless we're defining love as an abundance of failure, destruction, and an inability to understand basic horticulture. While CHAZ is an illustration of the lows and lower lows of communism, Schaffer's coverage on Louder with Crowder was high with laughter. Also, shrooms.

from Steven Crowder Says