Tarah Price - May 29, 2020 at 04:56PM

Have you ever felt panicked? I've certainly experienced panic once or seven times. Often, panic is the result of feeling helpless, of not knowing what to do next, or not being physically capable of gaining control. Unless you live under a rock, you have seen the George Floyd incident.
The video shows a Minneapolis police officer using excessive force against a handcuffed man during an arrest. The incident led to four police officers losing their jobs. An FBI investigation is open. Since Tuesday, protesters, rioters, and looters have terrorized the city.
Look, police officers DO NOT have the right to play judge, jury, and executioner. What happened in Minneapolis was unacceptable. But so is looting or burning down someone's business because "you gotta get yours."
Steven Crowder illustrates the role panic plays during a police-involved incident, and why officers should receive a lot more training. Here we go.
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