Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Watch: Floor Collapses After 18-Year-Old’s Birthday Turns into 100 Person Rager

Watch: Floor Collapses After 18-Year-Old’s Birthday Turns into 100 Person Rager
Joseph Gunderson - March 01, 2022 at 09:32AM

This is something one certainly doesn’t see every day. I’ve been to many house parties, probably too many, and though we’ve always talked about “bringing down the house,” we’ve never succeeded. Well, these kids did.

What was supposed to just be a celebration of one kid turning eighteen quickly grew to something reminiscent of scenes from Project X. After the address for the party was posted online, over one hundred crazy kids showed up to party their socks off at one Denver area home. And in the video, it looks like everyone is having a blast. That is until the floor collapses, sending the entire group of party animals falling into the home’s basement.

I don’t know who that is sleeping in the first second of the video, but as a man who finds it terribly difficult to sleep, I need to know how he manages to sleep through all the ruckus.

The Daily Mail reports between 100 to 150 people were in attendance. Cass Henry, a 15-year-old boy who was at the party, said, “I think it just got leaked around a little bit so everyone thought it was just an open house. People started just showing up.”

“Two seconds before the ground ended up breaking, you could hear it all snapping apart, but you didn't have enough time to do anything about it.”

Henry was among three people sent to the hospital after the collapse. He broke his ankle. One of the others suffered more serious injuries.

I’m sure the birthday boy won’t ever forget his 18th birthday, now, and neither will his grandparents, who were just trying to throw him a little celebration. I hope they had good homeowner’s insurance. Would it even cover this?

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