Saturday, March 12, 2022

Parent Rips Disney CEO for Opposition to Florida Parental Rights Bill: ‘There’s No Gray on This Issue’

Parent Rips Disney CEO for Opposition to Florida Parental Rights Bill: ‘There’s No Gray on This Issue’
Joseph Gunderson - March 12, 2022 at 08:04AM

Every time a new bill comes to the floor the left doesn’t like, there’s always a handful of media talking heads and notable elites who can’t help but step in to give their two cents. It’s pathological. And because the left detests the new “Don’t Say Gay” bill in Florida—has nothing to do with the word “gay”—who better to step in than the CEO of Disney, and so he did.

Disney’s entire business model is aimed at children, and CEO Bob Chapek decided it was in Disney’s best interest to side with the woke activists over children, supporting the right of teachers to indoctrinate students into their woke cult of gender and sexuality.

One parent has had enough, not only choosing to completely remove Disney from her family’s lives but making sure Chapek knows exactly why.

“We cannot trust Disney any longer with our children.”

The angry mother wrote that she’s sold the bit of Disney stock she owned because she doesn’t want to “be part of a company that seems to care more about appeasing a woke twenty something twitter mob than keeping young children safe.”

She rightly points out that the bill in question wasn’t “anti-gay, anti-straight, [or] anti-anything,” that is simply “pro-child and pro-parent,” protecting young children from the predations of “activists disguised as teachers.”

“[T]here is no gray on this issue: you either support protection of young children or you support groomers and activists.”

And she’s correct. There are two sides to this issue, and they are diametrically opposed to one another. Chapek’s statement in opposition to the bill is one for the mental abuse of small children, and there’s no way to get around that.

One thing is certain as you read the letter, this woman has kept abreast of the issues of the day, and she doesn’t miss a beat in slamming the woke tendencies of big businesses that choose to kowtow to the mob. “CEOs across America continue to let screaming twenty somethings on twitter lead them by the noses […] destroying our society along the way.”

The entire letter is worth reading in its entirety. Luckily, DeSantis’ press secretary posted it to Twitter for everyone to enjoy.

This is what parents need to start doing. Be vocal. Divest from the people who would have your children subjected to the kind of woke brainwashing the left is pushing. Once these corporations start to feel the sting, they’ll change their tune.

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