Monday, March 28, 2022

Leslie Jones Explains Racism, Says All White People Are Racists: ‘Congratu-f*cking-lations’

Leslie Jones Explains Racism, Says All White People Are Racists: ‘Congratu-f*cking-lations’
Joseph Gunderson - March 28, 2022 at 09:32AM

I don’t know who likes Leslie Jones. If there exists a group of people who are drawn to see something because Jones is in it, I haven’t met them. I find her annoying. But the self-described “America’s mother f*ckin’ sweetheart” has a message for all white people, and it’s that all of them are racists.

Now, to give her a little credit, she’s not coming up with anything new here. She’s basically repackaged Ibram Kendi to make his message even more obnoxious. If Kendi did a lecture and attempted to affect his best Chris Rock impersonation while doing it, it probably would be less obnoxious than Jones here, although he’d probably still get slapped right upside his face.

“What degree of racist are you?”

She tries to make the message comical and fails terribly. What she manages to do is toss out the same moronic categories laid out by every proponent of Critical Race Theory: overt racism, microaggressions, and unconscious bias.

Her skit manages to prove just how ridiculous the entire notion is when she says Lynyrd Skynyrd fans are racists, but she likes “Free Bird.” She didn’t find out Lynyrd Skynyrd was racist until later in life, though. It doesn’t matter. She’s a racist.

She doesn’t hide the ball with the last one, though: “A catch-all for the rest of y’all.”

I didn’t see the all-female Ghostbusters movie because I don’t hate myself, but if I had to guess, I would say this stupid clip of Jones is just behind it for the worst thing ever captured on camera. And it is beaten out by Ghostbusters only because it doesn’t ruin something from my childhood.

Something tells me this video will do very little to diminish the number of people who watch Leslie Jones. Conservatives have been tired of this shtick for a while and gave up on most of Hollywood long ago. Her dimwitted fans are probably confessing their own sins of racism all over Twitter. And the world keeps turning.

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