Friday, March 11, 2022

As Jussie Smollett Goes to Jail, Here's a Reminder How Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Praised Him for Hoax

As Jussie Smollett Goes to Jail, Here's a Reminder How Joe Biden and Kamala Harris Praised Him for Hoax
Brodigan - March 11, 2022 at 07:37AM

Actor Jussie Smollett, a man praised and defended by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, was sentenced to 150 days for staging a fake hate crime. The fake hate crime was what Joe and Kamala were quick to tweet about. While it wasn't a confirmed hoax at the time, it sure as hell looked like one. But Joe and Kamala had to pander to Democrat primary voters who view waiting for facts to come in as literal violence. Joe and Kamala aren't the only leftists who did so. They're just the only two who are president and vice-president.

Here is Jussie after being sentenced, making sure we know he's no Jeffrey Epstein.

"Homophobes" Attack Jussie Smollett After Masturbating With Him?! | Louder With Crowder

from Steven Crowder Says