Tuesday, March 22, 2022

School Board Enacts Policy to Distribute Punishments by Race, Give White Students Harsher Penalties

School Board Enacts Policy to Distribute Punishments by Race, Give White Students Harsher Penalties
Joseph Gunderson - March 22, 2022 at 07:51AM

Public schools have become a bottomless pit of racism. There seems to be no end, no level of ignorance and bigotry to which teachers and administrators won’t sink just to push their preferred narrative. And school boards have played a crucial role in greenlighting the actions of teachers and administrators. And now, the policy of “cultural discipline” just passed by Clover Park School District in the state of Washington may be the most egregious example so far.

Before I get into how this is bat sh*t insane, I’m going to let the school board explain exactly what “cultural discipline” is.

“Essentially […] are you dispersing discipline across the ethnicities equitably. Are you disciplining African American boys more than you’re disciplining white boys?"

First, hey, kudos to the two men with brains who voted against the policy.

Second, are you f*cking kidding me?! There are only two ways this works. Either students start being under-disciplined for infractions or another group is over-disciplined for infractions. That’s it. There is no other way for this policy to work. And regardless of which ethnic groups are over and under punished, it still doesn’t make it right.

Now, using the conduct of other school boards and district faculties as historical examples, I have reason to believe this board is upset because black kids may be getting punished more often and more harshly than white kids, but they don’t seem to give a crap about why they are being punished. It’s just a raw numbers game to them.

If a kid of X ethnicity over here is expelled for starting a fight in the hallways, does that mean a kid with Y ethnicity over there needs to be expelled for being tardy twice in one week? If you are required to disperse various punishments equitably, then yes.

Or are administrators just going to give all students slaps on the wrists regardless of the infraction?

This policy is moronic, and it’s part and parcel of the issue with the public schools. All these teachers see is race. The students aren’t individuals. I’d actually be willing to say the students aren’t even real people to the board members, teachers, and administrators who cook up these inane policies. They’re numbers and colors. That’s it. It’s disgusting!

What will be the inevitable result of this policy is the retention of students who detract from the learning environment. Administrators aren’t about to start expelling or suspending students for minuscule offenses, so they’ll retain those who shouldn’t be there or those who continually disrupt, making it impossible for students to learn either because they simply cannot pay attention due to those students acting out or because they aren’t or don’t feel safe.

Homeschool your children. Now. Yesterday. The public schools do not care about them, their development, or their safety. Everyone working for the schools only cares about pushing politics, and the few good teachers are too concerned about keeping their jobs to stand against the crashing tides. Homeschooling is the answer.

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