Sunday, March 27, 2022

Joe Biden Creeps on Ukrainian Refugee, Asks Someone to Translate for Him

Joe Biden Creeps on Ukrainian Refugee, Asks Someone to Translate for Him
Brodigan - March 27, 2022 at 07:27AM

Join me for a quick trip back in time. The year is 2019. Then-presidential candidate Joe Biden was being attacked by rival Democratic candidates and activists for being a lecherous old man who couldn't keep his hands to himself. Biden put out a video not apologizing for his inability to keep his hands to himself but pledged to do better.

SPOILER: Joe Biden did not do any better. The latest example of this is in Poland. Between speeches where the president came close to declaring World War III and needed the White House to clean up his mess, Biden found time to creep on Ukrainian refugees. Here he is with one who escaped Russia but couldn't escape Joe caressing her shoulders. He even asked for his pick-up line to be translated. Tip the hat to BizPac Review for this.

“How do you say, in Ukrainian, who do you owe those beautiful eyes to?”

“Your father or your mother? Who had the eyes?”

For what it's worth, she got her eyes from her mother.

I guess, if we're being bipartisan, we should commend our president for creeping on someone over the age of twelve. That hasn't always been the case. Also, I've seen some defenders of Biden claim he was showing empathy by comforting the refugee... by caressing her, flirting with her, and making it weird. You know, we gotta hear both sides after all.

What I would like to know, and maybe this will be a tell-all book once Biden gets yeeted out of office for Ron DeSantis, but what goes through the mind of Biden's handlers and secret service agents when this happens? They have to see it coming but may not have the strength to stop it again.

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