Monday, March 28, 2022

Lady With Bright Orange Wig Strolls Down Street With Concrete Block, Puts It Through Window, and Robs Taxi

Lady With Bright Orange Wig Strolls Down Street With Concrete Block, Puts It Through Window, and Robs Taxi
Brodigan - March 28, 2022 at 10:12AM

Let he without sin cast the first stone. Or she without sin cast the first stone. Let she without sin cast the first concrete cinder block. Through the window of a taxi she's robbing. While *checks notes* wearing a bright orange wig. If you find a video that more encapsulates 2022's New York City, I can't imagine how.

This is why Eric Adams wants a fleet of crime-fighting drones to blanket the city.

We are obviously missing quite a bit of backstory with this video. Tangerine Jones here was obviously angry about something. I don't think this was a simple robbery as much as she was done wrong. If this were a simple robbery, she could have found something near the taxi to throw through the window. Instead, she grabbed a concrete slab and walked down an NYC block, passed the different trucks she could have robbed, and put the block through the taxi's window. Those blocks aren't light.

It's also unclear where she found the block or how much she planned this out. If you're performing a spontaneous brick through a window, you don't plan ahead and wear a disguise. Even a bad disguise like a bright orange wig. A bright orange wig doesn't make you inconspicuous. It makes people say, "Hey, check out the crazy lady with the orange hair. I'm going to take out my smartphone."

Either one of two things happened. Tangerine Jones was auditioning for the lead for an off-off-Broadway production of Little Orphan Annie (hence the wig). She left her wallet in the car. The cab driver was having pastrami on rye at the local deli and told her she had to wait. Tangerine really needed this gig. She grabbed a cinder block from a construction site and the only thing she took from the cab was her pocketbook. That's option one.

Option two is that people in New York City have lost their minds. Tangerine stole the cab driver's library book because she had a weird hobby.

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