Monday, March 14, 2022

Russell Brand Obliterates Justin Trudeau, Claims He's in No Position to Criticize Putin Being a Tyrant

Russell Brand Obliterates Justin Trudeau, Claims He's in No Position to Criticize Putin Being a Tyrant
Brodigan - March 14, 2022 at 07:08AM

Russell Brand, our favorite newly-based Brit, is climbing the Twitter trends this morning. It's half for this clip where Brand points out the irony of Justin "I Feel Pretty" Trudeau calling Putin a tyrant. The other half is people tweeting "like, OMG, no one cares what Russell Brand thinks." Those people also support a White House that just held a national security briefing with TikTok celebrities, so they can choke on the biggest bag of phalluses they can find.

Brand's point is that while Putin is an anti-democratic douche doing anti-democratic things, Canada's walking pile of soy and hair goop might want to sit this one out.

"If the reason this war is wrong is because it is against Democratic principles, then you must ensure that where it is possible, where there is no militarized state opposing your ability to be democratic, then you should be democratic. Otherwise, you do not have the same argument."

Yes, it's true. Justin Trudeau didn't invade a neighboring country. That would've been America, and we would have turned Canada into America's waiting room. At least, in theory. I'm sure Trudeau has as little respect for our leader as the rest of the world does.

Trudeau didn't invade another country. He did however strip his own citizens of civil liberties and freeze their bank accounts because they spoke out against him.

"You can criticize Russia for many, many reasons. You can condemn the actions of Russia quite rightly. What you CAN'T do is claim to be an exemplar of Democracy if whenever you get the opportunity to be tyrannical, you take it."

Brand then tossed to the clip of Trudeau bragging about China's dictatorship and how it was a great system of government. Trudeau admires tryants. And the first opportunity he had to be one, he was all about it.

Putin is evil. He's the worst person ever. He's like if Bin Laden and Hillary Clinton had a baby and that baby refused to put their pronouns in their Twitter bio. Everyone hates Putin. Though, while Justin Trudeau is calling him anti-democratic, you do wonder if he's watching Putin and taking notes.

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from Steven Crowder Says