Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Public School Traumatizes 10-Year-Olds by Segregating Them in Racism 'Experiment', Refused to Notify Parents

Public School Traumatizes 10-Year-Olds by Segregating Them in Racism 'Experiment', Refused to Notify Parents
Joseph Gunderson - March 15, 2022 at 11:03AM

I wonder if schools are realizing that the days of using classrooms so spread their insidious ideologies on the taxpayer’s dime are numbered. Certainly, the kind of sexualized instruction to young children the left is extremely fond of is threatened as states like Florida adopt legislation to counter it. Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer until states begin explicitly banning the kind of CRT instruction destroying children, too.

At Leon Springs Elementary School in San Antonio, Texas, children were subjected to an “experiment” and presented with material that left them “hurt” and “crying.”

Reported by News 4 San Antonio, teachers segregated students by hair color—dark-haired children in one group and light-haired children in the other—and proceeded to treat the two groups differently for the duration of the experiment.

“[T]eachers told students children in the fair-haired group were not as intelligent. That group was purposely given a game with pieces missing so they could not play. Later they were made to clean up after the other children.”

Can we be honest? To small children, it probably just felt like they were being bullied by the teacher—10-year-old kids aren’t going to experience this kind of stuff and be capable of extrapolating from it some larger message they’re supposed to be learning. Maybe older students—like high school—could be an appropriate audience/participants for it but not little kids.

But to make the experience even worse—to ensure these kids were truly damaged by that day’s lesson—they were made to watch 4 Little Girls, a documentary by Spike Lee, which includes “graphic autopsy photos of the girls’ bodies” after the 1963 bombing of a church. And though the teacher in question supposedly fast-forwarded through the graphic parts, a parent of one of the students said her daughter could describe the images to a ‘T’.”

I don’t think these teachers really care about damaging the psyche of small children. If they want to push their agenda, they’re going to do it regardless of the wishes of the parents and without regard for mental damage it may do to the kids. I think we have plenty of examples to say this with almost perfect certainty. But they’ll still beg for you to enroll your children.

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