Sunday, March 13, 2022

Watch: Even Trevor Noah is Dunking On Lack of Respect World Leaders Have for Joe Biden

Watch: Even Trevor Noah is Dunking On Lack of Respect World Leaders Have for Joe Biden
Brodigan - March 13, 2022 at 07:25AM

You know things are going bad for Joe Biden when even late-night comedians are taking shots at him. Maybe that's why he's in such a bad mood. Late-night comedians are among his most loyal subjects. Yet here is Trevor Noah making fun of the lack of respect world leaders have for Biden. Even worse, this wouldn't be happening under Donald Trump.

Some backstory. The people who control Joe Biden refuse to admit they are wrong to kill domestic energy production. Since everything still runs on oil, Biden went to beg Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to produce more. I guess American energy kills the environment while Arab energy does not. Saudi and UAE leaders allegedly refused to take Biden's call. I say "alleged" because the White House claims it didn't happen. But the White House also claims American inflation is the fault of Putin.

Here's Trevor Noah pointing out how the emperor is not wearing any trousers.

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