Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Watch: Protester Is Big Mad Matt Walsh Is Speaking On His Campus, Yet Can't Name Anything Walsh Has Said

Watch: Protester Is Big Mad Matt Walsh Is Speaking On His Campus, Yet Can't Name Anything Walsh Has Said
Brodigan - March 15, 2022 at 07:01AM

Best-selling children's author Matt Walsh spoke at Georgia Tech on Monday. His book Johnny the Walrus is a timely tale of innocence, identity, and imagination. Critics say the book is transphobic. Many of those same critics also refer to Florida's anti-grooming bill as the "Don't Say Gay" bill.

Walsh's speech was about “why men don’t belong in women’s sports.” This is another controversial topic critics say is transphobic. Walsh was being an ally to women who are often told to keep their opinions on the matter to themselves. Not everyone agreed, and they protested Walsh being allowed to express an opinion with which they disagreed, even if not everyone knew what Walsh thinks or why they disagreed with him. They just know Matt Walsh is an "idiot" and "dangerous to people." Like our friend here. Let's call him Chad.

REPORTER: Name one thing you hate about Matt Walsh.

CHAD: Oh, I'd have to go back through his Twitter account. I know he has said a bunch of things.

REPORTER: Just name one thing.

CHAD: January 6th?

REPORTER: Is that a question?

CHAD: Honestly? I get so confused with all these right-wing assholes it's hard to keep track of who says what. But I know Walsh is a jerkface.

What's saddest is that the girl who has Chad friend-zoned, we'll call her "Becky with an I" tried saving him by calling Walsh transphobic. It was too late. All Chad knew was that "Becky with an I" was super angry at this Matt fella. He grab his whiteboard and wrote the word "f*ck" with some other thing she hated. Chad thought to himself that, finally, this will be the one thing that would get him into her pants. Instead, he wound up being asked a lot of questions to which he didn't have answers. Turns out Walsh is not the one who is an idiot.

Matt Walsh was still able to give his speech and was unharmed at the event.

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