Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Activist Stephen Colbert Tells 'Joke,' Calls On Peter Doocy to Be Slapped for Asking Joe Biden a Question

Activist Stephen Colbert Tells 'Joke,' Calls On Peter Doocy to Be Slapped for Asking Joe Biden a Question
Brodigan - March 30, 2022 at 09:41AM

Stephen Colbert is not above selling out to the Democratic Party. He gets talking points and makes them what he considers jokes. All late-night hosts do it. He's the most brazenly douchey about it. Or is it douchely brazen? Either way, Colbert is an unfunny hack. And like most trolls, he hates DOOCY because of the way the FOX News reporter dares to ask questions of Joe Biden and the White House. So much so, Colbert called for violence.

"Remember how on last night's show I said that slapping is never, ever the answer? I'd like to file a one-time exemption on behalf of the president of the United States."

Do you get it? You see, it's funny because yesterday Stephen Colbert said it was wrong to slap someone. But now that DOOCY, someone who doesn't drool over Joe Biden as Colbert does, asked a question that wasn't approved by the White House, it's okay for Biden to slap him. See? COMEDY!

I'll admit, the ONE question Colbert cherry-picked wasn't DOOCEY's best. His other questions that day, where he asked Joe Biden why his White House needs to apologize for all the dumb brainfarts Biden makes were much better. And he wasn't the only one questioning Biden and the White House over gross incompetence. He was just the only one employed by Fox.

And DOOCY has been shown to have a sense of humor about all the hate. Colbert didn't even make a well-crafted joke. He took someone's tweet and added an applause sign at the end of it. Every time DOOCY asks a question and "Douchey" starts trending, there are progressive douchelords calling for the reporter to be physically attacked. Someone on Colbert's staff found the least violent one and threw it into the show map.

I'm sure Brian "I'm Not a Potato" Stelter will come to DOOCY'S defense. After all, any question of reporters or reporting is viewed as a "literal" call to violence. A celebrity with a national (however low-rated) television show should at least earn a "hey, stop doing that."

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