Saturday, March 19, 2022

AOC Took to Instagram With Her Best Creepy Biden Whisper, Spouts Stupidity About Socialism

AOC Took to Instagram With Her Best Creepy Biden Whisper, Spouts Stupidity About Socialism
Joseph Gunderson - March 19, 2022 at 08:41AM

The Democratic Party is full of witless rubes. Our president has a cranium bursting at the seams with tapioca pudding. If Nancy Pelosi turns her head quickly enough, you can hear the vodka splash from side to side between her ears. And Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, legend has it, that you can actually hear the wind whisper through her empty skull.

The entire party having effectively nothing remotely brain-like in their heads, it should be expected to see many of them default to some of the same idiotic tendencies, so I wasn’t too surprised to see clips of AOC whispering to her followers on Instagram, doing her best to channel one of Biden’s creepier public displays.

And she wasn’t satisfied doing it just once, either. She had to do it twice!

I feel like these people don’t understand what microphones do… They exist to allow the speaker to be heard… In Biden’s case, he’s literally talking to a crowd of people, and it isn’t as if the whispering adds some dramatic effect to enhance the massage.

For AOC, she’s literally streaming a video on social media… She’s whispering as she blasts a message out to countless numbers of people. Why is she whispering?

She is that stupid, though. She might actually believe that because she’s whispering to her followers that no one outside the conversation can hear her. I’d really hate to be the one to tell her she’s an idiot…

I lied. I’d love to tell AOC she’s an idiot.

What’s worse than the whispering, however, is the moronic message she’s promoting.

“Most people don’t really know what capitalism is. Most people don’t even know what socialism is.”

No, lady, you don’t know these things. Most of us do.

“Most people are not capitalists because they don’t have capitalist money. They’re not billionaires.”

This twit has an economics degree? Un-f*cking-believable.

And then she prattles on about the workers owning the means of production, paraphrasing directly from Marx. God, help us.

It’s too early in the morning for this crap. I have only a certain amount of patience allotted to this kind of drivel, and it isn’t wise for me to use it all up so early in the morning. Some halfwit kid holding a poster is going to get destroyed later because I had to listen to Crazy-Eyes Cortez here.

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