Friday, March 11, 2022

Mother Gives Heartbreaking Testimony at School Board: My Son Killed Himself Because You Blamed Him for Racism

Mother Gives Heartbreaking Testimony at School Board: My Son Killed Himself Because You Blamed Him for Racism
Brodigan - March 11, 2022 at 08:19AM

Leftists claim any question of CRT-adjacent teachings is racism. Leftists claim any time you question their agenda about anything, it's because of racism. But for CRT, you are racist like whoa. Even though the left can't get their talking points straight whether CRT isn't being taught or it is being taught with the full support of the White House. Whatever it is called, parents think children shouldn't be segregated by race and taught that one kid was born an oppressor and the other kid is oppressed and will never stop being oppressed without the government's help. Only an evil human being (i.e. leftists who view public schools as indoctrination camps) would think it's appropriate. The well-being of the student is damned.

As one mother tragically found out.

"My son Robert took his life because he thought that all of the oppression was his fault. There were times he felt excluded because he had to use electives for speech therapy. His expressive language would be even worse while wearing a mask? You need to be inclusive to every student. Be inclusive to those with special needs. [...] Every race, every life, every student matters. No one wants you to stop teaching black history but, please, don't do it in a way that makes his life worth any less. My son was not responsible for everyone's problems. His success does not mean anyone else had to fail. [...] His emotional disability led him to the inclusion that any success he had, he did not deserve. Robert deserves more. Rest in peace."

Mothers like this are who the people who control Joe Biden want to treat as domestic terrorists.

The sides are clear. One side thinks it's appropriate for six-year-olds to be taught they were born evil or that interracial children should be taught that one of their parents is evil, and if they speak out, they're to blame. The other side thinks the first side shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children, let alone teaching them. Remember who is who when you vote in November.

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