Thursday, March 17, 2022

Evil: Oregon Children’s Hospital Offers Instructions for Boys to “Tuck” Their Genitals

Evil: Oregon Children’s Hospital Offers Instructions for Boys to “Tuck” Their Genitals
Joseph Gunderson - March 17, 2022 at 09:36AM

There’s a line I believe I’ve referenced in a previous post, but I think it deserves reiterating here. It’s from the best western I’ve ever watched, Tombstone:

“They’re bugs, Wyatt. All that smart talk about live and let live. There ain’t no live and let live with bugs.”

Remember that as you read this post.

At Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, Oregon, children are provided materials that give them advice and instructions for how young boys can “tuck” their genitals to “reduce any concerns [they] have about [their] bod[ies], how [their] clothes fit and how safe [they] feel in public.”

The Daily Wire reports that the hospital’s website makes it known they partner with the Oregon Health and Science University Transgender Health Program and the logo for the program is present on the “tucking” handouts.

“This is truly the death knell of ‘you do you and I’ll do me’ liberalism. There’s no co-existing with evil like this. This ends when they lose.”

I agree. But then, when it came to the left’s assault on childhood innocence, I’ve been of this mindset for quite a long time. They’ve been using the schools, summer camps, and cartoons, and now they’ve enlisted hospitals in their mission to corrupt our children. It must stop, immediately! Now! Yesterday!

The handouts provide very explicit instructions to boys on how to “tuck” their genitals into their bodies, going through the process step-by-step. I’m not going to go through it here, but you’re more than welcome to check out the handout yourself to see what they’re talking about.

This is pure evil. The left will stop at nothing to get to your kids, to destroy them, physically and mentally. Parents, there is no possible way to be too safe when vetting the people you allow to care for your children in any kind of capacity, and now you have to be even more skeptical about the doctors who are supposed to be treating them. This alone should be a malpractice suit or something.

Whatever happened to “First, do no harm”?

If you’ve been silent up to this point, stop! You need to stand up. We need to fight this, openly, loudly, forcefully. There is nothing in this world more precious than our children, and we cannot allow these leftist perverts to succeed in literally destroying them.

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from Steven Crowder Says