Thursday, March 10, 2022

Watch: Gayle King Upset Ukrainian Refugees Treated Better Than Migrants Illegally Crossing America's Border

Watch: Gayle King Upset Ukrainian Refugees Treated Better Than Migrants Illegally Crossing America's Border
Brodigan - March 10, 2022 at 09:06AM

We have reached the part in the Ukraine conflict where American leftists try to politicize it for things that have nothing to do with the Ukraine conflict. By "reached the part," I mean we've more or less been there since before the conflict started. See Gas Prices, Joe Biden Being a Lying Liar Who Lies About. Both Trevor Noah and Joy Reid have gone the "yeah, but raaaaaacism" route. Now, we have Gayle King using the war to "address" our current illegal immigration crisis that is entirely Joe Biden's fault.

King can't help but notice Ukrainian refugees are treated better than illegal immigrants along our other borderer.

"You know, we had, time and time—you look at people coming from Haiti, people coming, as I said, El Salvador, Honduras. They were not treated this well. And I think we all want the Ukrainian people to be helped. Everybody agrees with that, but there’s enough pain to go around here."


Ukrainian migrants: people escaping or being sent away as their country is being invaded by a foreign country that just destroyed a maternity ward. They don't want to leave. They'd prefer staying in their homes. Putin has made that impossible. These are not the same kind of migrants one sees coming over our southern border.

Honduras/El Salvadorian migrants: people who are illegally crossing another country's border because their country sucks. These are illegal immigrants. The word "migrant" is often used because leftists like to use euphemisms for everything when it helps their political agenda. Also, because leftists know if they lie they can count on the media--like CBS News--to swear by it.

Next, we're going to be told that while Ukraine refugees are fleeing from their homes, they are teaching themselves CRT. Or there's going to be a thirteen-year-old refugee who thinks Putin blowing up her country and killing her father isn't as scary as climate change. Or, if time allows, a video of refugees all saying the word "gay" because they think they're dunking on Ron DeSantis.

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Insane in the Ukraine: Joy Reid and Trevor Noah Think Something is Racist!?! | Louder With Crowder

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