Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sports Illustrated Writer, Father of 4th Place Female NCAA Swimmer Inexplicably Silent Over Lia Thomas

Sports Illustrated Writer, Father of 4th Place Female NCAA Swimmer Inexplicably Silent Over Lia Thomas
Joseph Gunderson - March 20, 2022 at 09:26AM

So, I have a daughter. If she were competing in college sports, I’d be irate if some male her age was allowed to effectively steal her opportunities. Because this is my position, I can’t help but find the deafening silence of Pat Forde simultaneously interesting and repulsive.

Quite a few people read the Louder with Crowder Dot Com blog, but we’re kind of a niche publication. Pat Forde writes for Sports Illustrated. He has an opportunity to stand up for fairness in sports, to use his platform to call out the derangement that’s taken hold of sports, allowing otherwise mediocre men to compete and win against some of the best female athletes. However, as Forde decides to remain silent, it would seem evident he’s too chicken to do the right thing.

OutKick does point out that Forde has previously defended the notion of men in female sports, blaming criticisms of trans athletes on people simply using it as a wedge issue. “They are using it as a sign the country has absolutely run amok and has lost its mind to political correctness and blah blah blah.”

“Some of the folks who are really wound up about this and screaming about the fairness about women’s sports really don’t give a damn about women’s sports.”

Well, the country has certainly run amok and lost its mind, and now it’s cost Forde’s daughter placement in the top three in the women’s 500m freestyle. She came in fourth place. Does Forde give a damn about women’s sports? It doesn’t seem like it.

Congrats, Forde. I’m sure your daughter appreciates your position on the matter.

But far from sticking by his previous position and congratulating Lia Thomas after winning the event in which Forde’s daughter was handily beaten, he remained completely silent.

Something tells me he never thought Thomas would be allowed to compete for so long at the collegiate level, that some rule maker would step in, or perhaps come governmental body would prevent such insanity. Well, they didn’t, and now some dude has jacked a title meant for your daughter and her peers.

As long as athletes play along, as long as parents stay silent, as long as the world continues to indulge in the delusions of a few mediocre athletes, this is going to continue. I have a few years before my daughter is in high school, competing in sports, but you can be sure I’d be raising hell. But then, I care about my daughter and fairness in women’s sports.

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from Steven Crowder Says