Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Another Walk Back: Joe Biden Claims He Hasn’t Watched SCOTUS Hearings, WH Says He Has and Was 'Moved'

Another Walk Back: Joe Biden Claims He Hasn’t Watched SCOTUS Hearings, WH Says He Has and Was 'Moved'
Joseph Gunderson - March 29, 2022 at 09:08AM

Biden isn’t with us, gang. From time to time, he’s allowed outside the makeshift nursing home in the White House, handed a script to follow, and told he’ll get an extra pudding cup if he can manage to stick to it. Many times, there’s no extra pudding cup coming. And God forbid this animated corpse is asked a question because the White House staff is almost always forced to clean up the mess left after Biden says something he isn’t supposed to.

Like in this case, where Biden admits he hasn’t watched any of his SCOTUS nominee’s confirmation hearings. Note that’s not at all what his little minion said last week.

I didn’t pay much attention to the comments of the administration’s lemming last week, but in hindsight, does anyone believe Biden could construct such a statement? I don’t think so. He may have been in the room when it was written—he was probably taking an afternoon nap in the Oval Office at the time—but there’s no way he said those words.

After they were caught in the lie, Twitter had some fun at Biden’s expense. The great people over at Twitchy collected some of the gems.

It is definitely comical. It’s like a new form of slapstick comedy. Biden says something stupid, and the White House needs to go out and “clarify.” The White House puts out a statement, and Biden comes out and says something completely different, causing the White House to scramble to “clarify” once again.

It would be sidesplittingly funny if you didn’t know that these are the people literally running the country into the ground! But they are, and we get to sit back and watch this reoccurring sh*t show for the next two years and some change because 81,000,000 people thought this would be better than mean tweets.

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