Monday, March 21, 2022

Chad Goes Into Full-Blown Meltdown Over Sight of Freedom Convoy Trucker in Washington, DC

Chad Goes Into Full-Blown Meltdown Over Sight of Freedom Convoy Trucker in Washington, DC
Brodigan - March 21, 2022 at 07:57AM

There are two types of reactions when you see a truck. The normal one is to think Optimus Prime and to make the arm signal for the driver to honk their horn. The abnormal one is to have a hissy fit in the streets over the mere thought that the driver might have a different opinion than you. Chad chose option B. I'm going with Chad as the name for a "male Karen." Women have had so much taken away from them lately. I don't want to take Karenism away from them, too. Also, Karen could kick Chad's ass. Then get his manager to fire him from Soy's Smoothie Utopia.

Chad spotted a truck that self-identified as the Freedom Convoy. Chad reacted stupidly.

The highlight was when Chad tried acting like a tough guy saying, "F*ck around and find out." I get that Chad is unhappy with his life. It's March 2022, and he's still wearing a mask outdoors. Maybe it was just a bad day for him. His girl left him because she got tired of having to be the one who opened jars and squished spiders. "Putin's Inflation" (Chad's words) has caused his favorite vegetarian soy hot dogs to skyrocket in price. We should always consider what battles people are fighting. But "F*ck around and find out?" Chad looks like my niece could kick his ass and call him a b*tch while doing so. She's in a pottymouth phase.

Also, when the drivers kept telling Chad how much they loved him, it was brilliant. As anyone who has watched a Bugs Bunny cartoon knows, dropping an anvil on Elmer Fudd didn't bother him as much as when Bugs kissed him. Be overly kind to all your haters. It makes them freak out more.

It says a lot that in Washington, DC, the site of an American flag on a big truck would cause such a conniption. Chad needs to calm down.

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