Sunday, March 13, 2022

Putin Who? Vast Majority of Americans Disapprove of Joe Biden's Handling of Gas Prices, Inflation

Putin Who? Vast Majority of Americans Disapprove of Joe Biden's Handling of Gas Prices, Inflation
Brodigan - March 13, 2022 at 06:37PM

Joe Biden freaked out on Friday. If their internal polls match the latest ABC News poll, I think we know why. The American people are less than thrilled with how President Puddinghead has been handling two vital middle-class issues: gas prices and inflation. Inflation makes everything more expensive for struggling families. Gas prices do the same, while also increasing inflation. By "the American people," I mean a sh*tton of them. Yes, sh*tton is a scientific unit of measurement.

Biden said on Friday he's sick of the American people blaming his government for inflation. Democrats would prefer we blame Putin for skyrocketing gas prices and skyrocketing all the other things. Traditionally, when the buck stops with the president, it means your president. Not some other schmuck. Here's why Biden wants you to start blaming that other schmuck.

In both gas prices and inflation, the two most pressing middle-class issues, the American people disapprove of the job Biden is doing by SEVENTY PERCENT! That's an approval gap of negative forty-two points. That's not a slim majority. That's not a claiming "Americans are divided" to soften the blow. ABC News tried leading with Americans approving of the Russian oil ban. The disapproving about gas prices part they tried to bury nine paragraphs down. This was after a paragraph or two of ABC News carrying water for the White House by blaming Putin.

Americans aren't divided when 70% of them are on the same side. A majority of us are in agreement. Joe Biden is a failure at his job and sucks at life. And we're the ones paying for it.

81,000,000 of you voted for this. A lot of you were sold a false bill of goods from the media that Biden was "moderate" or "competent" or even "continent." I get that. I'm not saying the rest of us are owed an amends. One would just be nice.

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from Steven Crowder Says