Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Disney Corporate President Admits Plot to Center LGBTQ+ Characters in Products

Disney Corporate President Admits Plot to Center LGBTQ+ Characters in Products
Joseph Gunderson - March 30, 2022 at 08:09AM

Since the passage of the “Parental Rights in Education” bill in Florida, activists, teachers, and groomers have been up in arms, telling every single news reporter they can find just how incredibly upset they are that teachers will no longer be able to indoctrinate 3rd-graders into the LGBTQ+ club. Have no fear, groomers, Disney is here to take up the mantle and push as much queer messaging to children as they can!

I’m not kidding. I wish I was kidding, but this is exactly what they’re doing over there at Disney, which is sad because my little girl loves Disney movies. But seeing as how the company is now more concerned with putting queer characters front and center in everything they do, well, it’s about time to find an alternative form of children’s entertainment.

First, this woman is a bad parent. She describes her children as “trans” and “pansexual.” How old are these kids, first of all? Second, 100% of your children are LGBTQ+? I’m guessing that has far more to do with her than with her children.

But this woman is extremely concerned about creating children’s products with openly LGBTQ+ characters. And she’s certainly not the only one! Here’s a production coordinator going even further down this rabbit hole.

Why is this a thing that must be done? It’s because this is what all of the entertainment business has become. Disney isn’t an exception to this rule. And as teachers—who were one of the primary avenues for sex and gender indoctrination—lose their ability to push the agenda on children, Disney will be ramping up its efforts.

These people want to brainwash your children. They want to destroy whatever innocence they may possess until all that remains is a broken and confused little boy or girl.

Parents, think long and hard about what you’re allowing your kiddos to watch and who you allow to teach them. There are too many people these days who want nothing more than for you to let your guard down.

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