Saturday, March 26, 2022

School Board Members Caught on Hot Mic Calling for GOP Senator to Be 'Set on Fire' Over Ketanji Brown Jackson

School Board Members Caught on Hot Mic Calling for GOP Senator to Be 'Set on Fire' Over Ketanji Brown Jackson
Brodigan - March 26, 2022 at 08:06AM

Democrats found themselves having to explain what a woman was this week. Thank Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn for that. Blackburn, a woman, asked Biden's Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson, also a woman, “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?” It shouldn't be a hard question. Being a woman is one of the two reasons KBJ was nominated. Instead, Biden's SCOTUS nominee didn't have an answer because she was, quote, "not a biologist." I'm not sure if this is why Nashville school board members want Sen. Blackburn set on fire. Regardless, it seems like an overreaction.

"Can we just go set Marsha Blackburn on fire?"

Of course, school board members calling for an elected official to be set ablaze is NOT a call for violence. It may sound like a call for violence. You tend not to want to barbeque people in a nice way. But in this case, it's liberals calling to burn a conservative, so they don't mean it literally.

No, calls for violence only occur when adults question a judge who's up for a lifetime appointment about their record while said the judge is being interviewed for the job. In that case, the adults are literally trying to get the judge killed literally. Only if it's right on left. If it's left on right, the adults are asking hard questions and the judge should shut up about it and not complain. Also, shut up about being accused of gang rape.

I'll be honest. Next to the State of the Union, I find all congressional hearings to be among the most useless pieces of political theater we, as Americans, put ourselves through. They can sometimes be good for content when someone gets owned (Rand vs. Fauci). But nothing becomes of them. KBJ is going to get confirmed. She's a liberal replacing a liberal. I'll save my concern for when the balance of power is being shifted.

HOWEVER, liberals and the media (but I repeat myself) being who they are and needing to circle the wagons around any liberal who is criticized, they are now making the case that no one can define what a woman is. They now will go into the midterms having to campaign on "a woman is anyone who says he or she is a woman" as a vital part of the Democratic platform. For that, Senator Blackburn, we all thank you.

Also coming out of these hearings, Democrats and the media (again, I repeat myself) are arguing some pedophilia crimes aren't as bad as other pedophilia crimes. Have fun running on that one, too.

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