Saturday, March 26, 2022

Hollywood Actress Loses It as Black Woman Testifies Against Ketanji Brown Jackson: 'Self-Hating Disgrace'

Hollywood Actress Loses It as Black Woman Testifies Against Ketanji Brown Jackson: 'Self-Hating Disgrace'
Joseph Gunderson - March 26, 2022 at 07:58AM

There are numerous reasons to keep Biden’s SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson from assuming a place on the country’s highest court. She’s soft on criminals, especially those who dabble in child pornography. She can’t seem to define what a woman is. And she’s an advocate for Critical Race Theory, in the law and in schools.

While this may all sound wonderful to the left, in reality, it’s terrible—as is the case with most things. Members of the Senate committee did a good job grilling Jackson on these three topics, but none of them came close to explicating just how detrimental Jackson’s incorporation of CRT into her decision-making process is. Keisha Russell of the First Liberty Institute did, and Yvette Nicole Brown didn’t appreciate it.

“If a judge believes that the only way to correct racism is to provide advantages to blacks and disadvantages to whites, this would create dire injustices in that judge’s practices.”

Yeah, seems pretty straightforward to me. It probably sounds very simple to you, too. For Yvette Nicole Brown, on the other hand, it sounded like just another “self-hating disgrace” carrying water for white supremacists. In the video, you can hear her yell the same ignorant lines pushed by halfwits like Ibram Kendi.

Now, you might not even know who Yvette Nicole Brown is. I wouldn’t blame you for not knowing. She’s a B-list actress, a bit player, whose probably only notable role was that of a middle-aged woman attending a community college. For the life of me, I don’t think I’ve seen her in anything else.

But neither Brown’s ignorance nor her lackluster career mattered to the horde of ignoramuses commenting on her freak out.

“Said it before and I’ll say it again: nothing is worth being the Black person white supremacists like,” wrote one Twitterite.

Another user wrote, “Despite systemic racism …..and Caribbean Black people are systemically treated differently from descendants of American slaves, and often they themselves display sn [sic] attitude of considering themselves better than or not even being Black.”

Yes, I’m sure every racist makes the distinction between someone from Barbados and those descended from American slaves before oppressing them.

And finally, if the denigration of this woman wasn’t clear:

The left is just so accepting, so open-minded, so inclusive—I just don’t understand how anyone could think differently than these scumbags.

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