Friday, March 4, 2022

Loser Stacey Abrams Compares Herself to Zelenskyy, Ukrainians: ‘This Is a War on Democracy’

Loser Stacey Abrams Compares Herself to Zelenskyy, Ukrainians: ‘This Is a War on Democracy’
Joseph Gunderson - March 04, 2022 at 08:41AM

Stacey Abrams is running for governor in Georgia again. She lost last time to Brain Kemp, blaming her loss on the popular myth of voter suppression by Republicans. And as she ranted and raved the past few years, she’s had the media on her side, propelling her forward and protecting her when she makes mistakes—and she makes many of them. This is why the media will not cover her latest blunder or will spin it as hard as possible.

They might have to try extra hard to spin this one from BizPac Review, though, as Abrams was quite explicit during her appearance on "The Daily Show," as she casually compared herself and her ilk to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people as they literally fight for their lives.

“We are a stronger nation when we allow people to participate. And if we ever doubted that, the war that Putin is waging against Ukraine, President Zelenskyy said it, and I’m going to paraphrase him, probably poorly. He said this isn’t a war on Ukraine, this is a war on democracy in Ukraine. When we allow democracy to be overtaken by those who want to choose who can be heard, and those choices are not based on anything other than animus or inconvenience, then that is wrong.”

Does she really believe she is fighting a war for democracy? There are two possible answers and only two. Either she does. In which case, she’s a f*cking moron. Or she doesn’t. In which case, she’s a cynical hack making an egregious, ignorant comparison because she believes it will help her politically. Which would actually make her a f*cking moron because I don’t think it’s going to help her at all.

But she only has one tune, and she’s going to keep singing it. Whether she actually believes it or not, she'll continue to say voter suppression was why she lost the last election, and if she loses this time around, it’ll be for the same reason. She’s so dedicated to this lie, she is willing to financially cripple her own potential constituents to push it.

I’d also like to point out that, like Jacqueline Woodbridge, Abrams should probably pick her words more carefully because there’s only one party “who want[s] to choose who can be heard, and [chooses] based on [nothing] other than animus or inconvenience,” and it isn’t the Republicans.

Hopefully, Stacey Abrams will lose the Georgia gubernatorial election, yet again. But then that’s a bit of a double-edged sword, isn’t it? If she loses, she gets another four years to ramble on television about how it was stolen from her. But if she wins, she’s going to run Georgia into the ground. The lesser of two evils, I suppose, is to just put up with her incessant whining.

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