Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Joe Biden Confuses 'Ukrainians' With 'Iranians' and Even Kamala Harris Is Embarrassed for Him

Joe Biden Confuses 'Ukrainians' With 'Iranians' and Even Kamala Harris Is Embarrassed for Him
Brodigan - March 02, 2022 at 07:05AM

Joe Biden delivered his State of the Union address on Tuesday. Ted Cruz's address was more accurate. It would have been more beneficial for someone to give a State of Biden's Brain Address. I would never joke about our president having dementia. I'm not Hunter Biden's therapist. But inquiring minds want to know just how much of Biden's has yet to be turned to pudding. Words are not his friends: like this unfortunate brain flatulence, confusing the Iranian people with the Ukrainian people.

HINT: one is bravely defending their country from a foreign invader. The other is who we don't want teaming up Russia and China.

Even Kamala was embarrassed for the chucklehead. As she repeats the words to the 25th Amendment to herself to stay calm.

At best, this was a gaffe. At worst, Biden has Iran on the brain because he wants to bring back the Iran Nuclear Deal. That was when the Obama administration gave Iran pallets of cash to not make nukes. Coincidentally, Iran was given the money at the exact same time as Iran released American prisoners. Donald Trump pulled out of the deal, and leftists wouldn't calm down about it. The White House giving Iran the money back would complete the puzzle of Joe Biden's foreign policy legacy. Right up there with his incompetent Afghanistan withdrawal and driving Russia into the warm embrace of China.

As for the rest of Biden's speech, it was the least popular SOTU since 2007. Maybe it was something he said?

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