Friday, November 5, 2021

Travis Tritt Stood His Ground on Mandates, Now a Concert Venue is Changing THEIR Requirements to Support Him

Travis Tritt Stood His Ground on Mandates, Now a Concert Venue is Changing THEIR Requirements to Support Him
Brodigan - November 05, 2021 at 07:17AM

Travis Tritt announced recently he will NOT play any venues that are discriminating against his fan's personal medical decisions. The same goes for venues that mandate fans cover their faces. I doubt you missed it. Tritt trended for two full days over his decision and fear-mongering leftists attacking him for it. But Travis Tritt has a set of balls bigger than the gap between Joe Biden's right track/wrong track rating. And now, venues are starting to change THEIR policies to accommodate the artist. (h/t Whiskey Riff)

Tritt, fresh off a rendition of the National Anthem many belief inspired the Atlanta Braves to a World Series victory, announced dates for an upcoming acoustic tour. Which, as a side note, if you're a country music fan, is an amazing way to enjoy the songs.

One of those dates, The Birchmere in Alexandria, VA, has vaccine requirements in order to attend shows. For Travis Tritt, they are making an exception.

"Note that per Artist's request, Vaccine proof will not be required for these specific shows only."

Venue owner Gary Oelze says he's not trying to get political or take a side, adding "I'm trying to stay in business. Believe me, the clubs are having a rough time doing that."

Of course, we'll see if things stay this way. I'm guessing Oelze is about to be cyberbullied by unhinged leftists who hate country music and would never step foot in The Birchmere, all claiming they are now going to boycott The Birchmere. Someone is going to come up with an "Open Letter From 17 Former Birchmere employees" denouncing the decision. Here's hoping Oelze doesn't bend the knee.

Here's also hoping other concert venues start to follow his lead. If promoters start to be willing to relax their mandates upon an artist's request, fans of other artists will start demanding those artists do the same. When it comes to country music at least, artists will have a decision to make: Pander to the anti-science, pro-political whims of people who hate country music and country music fans. Or support the people who actually support their art.

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