Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Watch: Joy Behar, Inspired By Australia, Says It's Time to 'Tweak' the First and Second Amendments

Watch: Joy Behar, Inspired By Australia, Says It's Time to 'Tweak' the First and Second Amendments
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 04:55PM

We've been telling you: pay attention to Australia. Most of the worst parts of Australia, lockdown-wise, can't happen here because we have a Constitution (for now). That doesn't mean leftists don't get moist thinking of the possibility. Our latest example comes from the harpies on The View. They were discussing Australia's new "anti-trolling law." It would make social media platforms liable for "defamatory" comments. In other words, people being mean. Joy Behar loves the idea so much, she thinks it's time to tweak the first amendment. The second amendment too, even though that has nothing to do with the discussion. (h/t Newsbusters)

"When the Founding Fathers were busy with the amendments, the First and Second Amendments did not have AR-15s in there, weapons of war, and they didn't have Twitter. So both amendments, I think they need to be tweaked a little bit."

Behar has a modicum of a point. The Founding Fathers didn't have Twitter. They had no idea that one day, it would be so easy for people to lie about border patrol agents and seventeen-year-old medics. And that low-information nincompoops like Joy Behar would be dumb enough to believe those lies. That's not a reason to do away with everyone's freedom of speech. Just a point of information.

The thing about the second amendment, I'm assuming she gets a commission every time she repeats one of the Democrat talking points she gets sent. "AR-15's" just earned her a nickel.

I half want to tell dingbats like Joy Behar and other Democrats, if you want to tweak the amendments, give it your best shot. The left should totally invest all the money and resources they have to leave New York City and convince two-thirds of America -- the two-thirds NYC leftists hate -- to do away with free speech and the ability to protect their families. The rub is if we've learned anything over the past two years, it's how much people are willing to give up their rights if you scare them enough.

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Parag Agrawal, Twitter's CEO, is SICK of All These Uncensored Opinions! | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Norway Wishes You a Woke Christmas with a Gay Santa Claus

Watch: Norway Wishes You a Woke Christmas with a Gay Santa Claus
Joseph Gunderson - November 30, 2021 at 02:04PM

A new woke Christmas-themed advertisement has come out, just in time to ruin everything. This time, the Norwegian postal service has decided that the best way to market its services is to make Santa Claus a homosexual who is apparently cheating on Mrs. Claus with some guy every Christmas.

In an ad entitled, “When Harry Met Santa,” an emaciated Santa—presumably suffering from some mysterious sexually transmitted disease that may or may not be known for causing such a gaunt appearance—engages in an emotionally intimate relationship with a man until he can finally get the post office to give him a hand. And with the spare time he has, well, he chooses to use it making out with another man.

from Steven Crowder Says

Taliban Kills and Disappears 'Enemies,' AKA Former Police and Intelligent Officers Who Served with Americans

Taliban Kills and Disappears 'Enemies,' AKA Former Police and Intelligent Officers Who Served with Americans
Joseph Gunderson - November 30, 2021 at 01:56PM

If one can believe it, Afghanistan has quickly become an even more unstable sh*thole. In the absence of a strong American-led coalition force, the Taliban quickly took control of the entire country. Although the leaders of the new Islamic fundamentalist terrorist government swore to govern in a moderate fashion, telling the people of Afghanistan that they wouldn’t hunt them down. But the lied—go figure—and are presently engaged in hunting down their enemies.

Who are the enemies of the Taliban? Former police and intelligence officers who served while the United States was still present. These men are being “summarily killed or forcibly ‘disappeared’”, according to Military Times, using government documents to identify and locate them. “Local Taliban commanders have drawn up lists of people to be targeted, saying they committed ‘unforgivable’ acts.”

When they aren’t out gunning down presumably innocent and decent human beings for the crime of attempting to form a functional, civilized country, the Taliban is out reenacting the Sharks vs. the Jets, only slightly more violent.

The Islamic State has attempted to move into Afghanistan, creating a precarious powder keg. On Tuesday, an 8-hour firefight broke out between the two terrorist factions in Jalalabad.

And let’s not forget, there are still Americans who the Biden administration left behind to suffer under the new Taliban regime. So… There’s that, too.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Jussie Smollett Trial Update: He and Accomplices Rehearsed, Filmed 'Dress Rehearsal' of Race Hoax

Jussie Smollett Trial Update: He and Accomplices Rehearsed, Filmed 'Dress Rehearsal' of Race Hoax
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 01:43PM

Jussie Smollett, the former actor, is currently on trial for faking a hate crime. The incident (alleged?) took place in February 2019. Smollett claimed he was attacked by two white people in MAGA hats (in downtown Chicago). According to Smollett, the two white Trump supporters called him racial and anti-gay slurs and claimed he was in "MAGA country." Yes, we're still talking about downtown Chicago. Celebrities and the rest of the left when bananas over this vicious hate crime and said it was totally Donald Trump and Fox News' fault.

Turns out, instead of two white people, it was two Nigerian brothers Jussie paid by check. And everyone defending him suddenly looked stupid. Smollett's trial started this week because, it would appear, faking hate crimes are frowned upon.

There was stupidity atop stupidity we all covered at the time. During the trial, a new nugget of stupidity has been uncovered. According to special prosecutor Dan Webb, Smollett and the two brothers hired to help stage the crime had a DRESS REHEARSAL. THAT THEY FILMED! Smollett even texted the brothers: “I want you to attack me, but when you hit me, I want you to kind of pull your punches a bit because I don’t want to get seriously hurt.” And then they (allegedly) FILMED a DRESS REHEARSAL of a FAKE HATE CRIME.

I wasn't going to ask for anything from Santa Claus this year. I'm a grown-ass man who buys what he wants. However, I have been a good boy this year. If Santa were to deliver anything, he would deliver this video of the hate crime hoax dress rehearsal onto the internet. On behalf of the United Brotherhood of Content Hustlers Local 420, it needs to be shared throughout the internet.

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from Steven Crowder Says

'I Didn't Trash the Man, I'm Speaking Facts': Rep. Donalds Drops Harsh Truths About Biden as Dems Freak Out

'I Didn't Trash the Man, I'm Speaking Facts': Rep. Donalds Drops Harsh Truths About Biden as Dems Freak Out
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 01:10PM

Rep. Byron Donalds is becoming one of my most favorite members of Congress. Clips like this are the reason why. He took part in a Small Business Committee hearing. While questioning Joe Biden's economic agenda--an agenda that needs to be questioned--Donalds brought up the fact that Joe Biden has never worked a real job in his entire life. Meaning, not one where he wasn't mooching off of taxpayers. Democrat Rep. Nydia Velázquez freaked out and got all gavel-bangingy, claiming Donalds broke decorum by mentioning this true fact. The Republican congressman didn't back down, and I hope his colleagues are taking notes.

"Madam Chair, the president has never worked in our economy... Those are facts. [Biden] has never worked a day in the economy; he’s always worked in Washington, D.C. To point out that fact, to illustrate the fact that we’re talking about major economic policies that do impacts the 31 million small business owners in our country, is not about decorum. I didn't trash the man."

It only took Byron Donalds three minutes to shut down CNN and four minutes to shut down Nancy Pelosi. He made his point here in under a minute. Though, the full video is well worth your time.

Leftists like saying "no opinion on abortion without a uterus," or "no opinion on science if you're not a scientist." We need a rule where you don't get an opinion on the economy when at no point in your 217-year life have you ever been a positive contributor. Biden has always been a mooch and a name in the liability column. Rep, Donalds was spot on.

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Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is OUT! Don't Get Too Excited, Though... | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

Confused Joe Biden, Who Demands You Mask Up Indoors, Can't Figure Out When to Wear His Over and Over Again

Confused Joe Biden, Who Demands You Mask Up Indoors, Can't Figure Out When to Wear His Over and Over Again
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 12:11PM

I was at a Luke Combs concert last night. Both a "F*ck Joe Biden" and a "Let's Go Brandon" chant broke out. It was nice to take part, as opposed to just writing about it. That has nothing to do with this post other than you know, f*ck Joe Biden. Just yesterday, Americans got another lecture on the importance of following "the science" and wearing masks indoors. That is, unless you are a) eating, or b) talking onto a microphone. Yes, "the science" says talking into a microphone is an exception. Jen Psaki assures us Biden follows "the science" at all times.

You'll notice Biden doing neither, as he can't figure out when to wear his mask. He also keeps touching it with his dirty hands. According to science (as opposed to "the science"), that's a bad thing to do.

You put your mask on your face,
You take your mask off your mouth,
You put your mask on your face,
And virtue signal all about,
You do the mask theatre and you poop inside your pants
That's what Joe Biden's about.

I will say this about Joe Biden: Yes, our betters in the federal government and the unelected bureaucracy have been getting off on mandate restrictions they don't take seriously themselves. And yes, when you see Joe Biden break his own mask orders over and over and over again, it would appear he is one of them. But I honestly think he's just easily confused. Being old AF and having a brain that is 51% tapioca pudding, confusion can be expected.

With Joe Biden, I don't think it is a hypocrisy problem. I think it is a not-always-knowing-where-he-is problem. Which is an entirely different problem.

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from Steven Crowder Says

PETA Opens New 'Store' Selling Clothes Made of Human Skin Because They're PETA and They're Silly

PETA Opens New 'Store' Selling Clothes Made of Human Skin Because They're PETA and They're Silly
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 10:50AM

I can't think of a time where PETA was ever a serious organization. Even back in their heyday, "People for Ethical Treatment of Animals" was routinely mocked as "People Eating Tasty Animals." That was when they were one of a few radical lefty organizations. It's 2021 now, and the market is flooded with crazed leftists launching super serious campaigns against whatever the issue of the day is that week. PETA struggles to compete and grows more and more insane trying. The org has gone after animal-based insults and created vegetable smut. Now, a clothing line made of human skin.

It's not a real store, of course. The silly animal "rights" organization decided to pick a fight with Urban Outfitters. Every store sells clothing made of warm and comfortable animal skins. But for some reason, Urban Outfitters is giving PETA an anxiety attack. Hence, the fictional store “made of the finest leather — that on second look, reveal human faces on the jackets, human teeth on the shoes, and human blood oozing from the bags.”

What I find confusing is that I never thought of Urban Outfitters as a place for quality leatherwork. It's a place zoomers go to buy t-shirts of bands they have no plans to listen to. I guess PETA has its PETA reasons. This beats the 80s classic of holding up skinned animals saying "this is the other side of your jacket."

If PETA really wants to affect change, they need to get with the times. It's 2021. Get a list of Urban Outfitters executives. Find one who deadnamed someone in a tweet from seven years ago and get that person cancelled.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Ron DeSantis Unloads on Media's Waukesha Coverage, Accuses Alleged Killer of 'Anti-White Animus'

Watch: Ron DeSantis Unloads on Media's Waukesha Coverage, Accuses Alleged Killer of 'Anti-White Animus'
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 09:59AM

We are a week removed from an SUV killing a bunch of people in a Christmas parade. Darrell Brooks, the man who was driving the SUV as the SUV killed people, has been charged with multiple counts of intentional homicide. Though, as of this writing, the SUV has not been charged with anything. Also as of this writing, it is unknown if Brooks--whose social media history was full of racially charged posts and anger surrounding the Kyle Rittenhouse decision--had any motive as he drove the SUV that killed people. That's how corporate media outlets like CNN have been covering the Waukesha attacks. America's Governor, Ron DeSantis, was not amused.

Why the governor of Florida is speaking out on a national story that took place in a swing state is anyone's guess.

The Waukesha Killer's TERRORISTIC Social Media... and Horrible "Music" | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

SHOW NOTES: New Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal is ANTI-FREE SPEECH

SHOW NOTES: New Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal is ANTI-FREE SPEECH
Team Crowder - November 30, 2021 at 09:15AM

Parag Agrawal is the new Twitter CEO, and so far he looks WORSE than Jack Dorsey. We expose how. We also take a look at how the worst Republican is still better than an average Democrat. And why is the left turning Christmas woke with a gay Santa?

from Steven Crowder Says

Real Racism: Twitter Allows Discussion of 'White Genocide,' 'Mayo Monkeys' on Twitter Spaces

Real Racism: Twitter Allows Discussion of 'White Genocide,' 'Mayo Monkeys' on Twitter Spaces
Joseph Gunderson - November 30, 2021 at 08:22AM

Making use of Twitter Spaces to host a meeting of dyed-in-the-wool racists—not the kind the left likes to scream and cry about because someone mispronounces a name—there was no mincing of words between parties. They truly hate white people, and they want them dead.

It started when this piece of trash just decided to rattle off a list of his favorite racial slurs for white people.

Then it turned into a meme, as most things do these days, one likening white people to monkeys. An interesting comparison, to say the least, one with echoes in the racism of the past, similar to the dehumanization of the Jews by Hitler’s Nazis. And before Someone goes and complains that I’m making an unwarranted Holocaust comparison, just you wait, my friends!

It soon became clear that those trending #MayoMonkeysGottaGo, which came from a giant list published to Twitter earlier, would probably enjoy, immensely, if white people were tortured as Fauci likes to torture monkeys. But then they also want them dead, like Fauci likes to do to puppies. Don’t take my word for it.

“I’m going to say this, and you ain’t gotta chop shit up. I am for the white genocide. I am for the total erasure of the white race… Yes, I am for all you white bitches dying like flies… I am for putting all you white opossums in a gas chamber and letting that motherf*cker rain.”

These comments are met with laughing emojis and giggles from some of his equally repugnant listeners. This is beyond reprehensible. Contrary to what Ibram Kendi may think, this is real racism. This is real hatred. And it has no place in our society.

The jolly little black supremacist who was so proud to announce his support of mass genocide later deleted his Twitter account. I am guessing he decided to start holding his meetings in hiding, more than likely dressing in long robes and pointy hats.

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from Steven Crowder Says

New Zealand PM Grants Citizens the Right to Not Only Visit Family and Friends But Use Their Bathroom Too!

New Zealand PM Grants Citizens the Right to Not Only Visit Family and Friends But Use Their Bathroom Too!
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 07:06AM

Thank God for Oceania this pandemic season. The entire Australia/New Zealand neighborhood of the planet has been a real-time example of what "leaders" will do to citizens if those citizens willingly give up their rights. At least for New Zealanders, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Because the people listened and behaved themselves, Prime Minister Jacinda Arden is granting people some of their rights back. The right to not only visit family and friends again but to use their bathroom too!

The land of draconian gun control and failed Olympian Laurel Hubbard has returned the right to poop to the people.

At one point, there was confusion over the New Zealand toilet rule. Where the following sentence was written, unironically, in a news article: "Aucklanders woke up with slightly more freedom on Wednesday but there is some confusion over what those freedoms are." But that was June. It's November now, and while you are exercising your right to once again leave your house to go to someone else's house, you are again allowed to exercise your right to tinkle in their home. Just make sure you remember to put the seat down. Failure to do so might result in a sexist hate-crime conviction.

Aucklanders might want to get these temporary freedoms out of their system while they can. It's only a matter of time before the planet devouring Omicron variant causes the Prime Minister to take those rights away again. Forcing citizens back to smuggling black market KFC across state lines.

Pay attention, America. This all seems like it's happening in a faraway land. But the people who control Joe Biden would try to pull the same sh*t here if the people let them. More disturbing, is how many here would let them.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: Teacher Goes on Vulgar Rant Against Kyle Rittenhouse, Snaps at Student Trying to Ask a Question

Watch: Teacher Goes on Vulgar Rant Against Kyle Rittenhouse, Snaps at Student Trying to Ask a Question
Brodigan - November 30, 2021 at 07:05AM

In 1992, a young Brodigan innocently asked his US History teacher who she liked in the presidential primary. The teacher looked slightly panicked because, in the bygone era of the last century, it was frowned upon for teachers to express political opinions in the classroom. I think of that moment a lot when I read stories like this high school teacher who went on an anti-Kyle Rittenhouse rant. Another Jason Rantz, who gets all the fun stuff coming out of the Pacific Northwest.

An ignorant one, too. Not Hollywood celebrity ignorant, which is a special breed of ignorant. But ignorant in that he gets his info from the content creators at CNN.

SURPRISE! Twitter's Next CEO is Also a Bad Person! | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

Monday, November 29, 2021

Exclusive Interview with Fauci: Science Is The LAW!

Exclusive Interview with Fauci: Science Is The LAW!
Joseph Gunderson - November 29, 2021 at 01:58PM

In a recent interview on Face the Nation, Dr. Tony Fauci, addressing criticisms of him throughout the COVID fiasco likened himself to being “the science”:

“Anybody who’s looking at this carefully realizes that there’s a distinct anti-science flavor to this. So, if they get up and criticize science, no one’s going to know what they’re talking about. But if they get up and really aim their bullets at Tony Fauci, well, people can recognize there’s a person there. So, it’s easy to criticize, but they’re really criticizing science because I represent science.”

Not wanting to take his own words in the given context and point out the mind-blowing level of hubris one must have to make such an asinine statement, Steven sat down with the little crackpot to get some clarification.

It didn’t really go much better, but one thing became eminently clear.


from Steven Crowder Says

DOOCY Bombs Psaki: Why Should People Follow Biden's Mask Orders When Biden Doesn't Follow Biden's Orders?

DOOCY Bombs Psaki: Why Should People Follow Biden's Mask Orders When Biden Doesn't Follow Biden's Orders?
Brodigan - November 29, 2021 at 01:47PM

You knew it was coming. The Omnicron Variant coming to devour the planet was going to cause more mask panic. South Park foretold this. Joe Biden mumbled today that you should wear a mask indoors at all times. Unless you're eating... or talking into a microphone. Yes, he specified talking into a microphone. Then walked away without wearing a mask. DOOCY addressed the matter to White House Spokessoulessginger Jen Psaki, pointing to another "Biden is confused about wearing masks" incident from over the weekend.

Here is that exchange, followed by my dramatic interpretation.

DOOCY: What's with Joe Biden lecturing people about wearing masks, then not following his own guidelines. Are the guidelines steeped in that old-timey "the science" or not?

PSAKI: Haven't I been over this with you?

DOOCY: Yes. This president gets confused a lot.

PSAKI: The president believes whatever the CDC tells him to believe that day?

DOOCY: Did the CDC tell him you can catch the 'rona from taking a selfie, but not sticking his maskless face in someone else's maskless face?

PSAKI: I hate you, so, so hard. It's a special kind of hate, too.

It's simple. It's not that they're hypocrites. It's that they don't care that you know they're hypocrites. You can tell in the smug tone of Psaki's voice. They want you to follow rules they don't follow themselves unless they know there are cameras on them. It's not about science. It's about control. Joe Biden isn't that concerned about masking up. You shouldn't be either.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Watch: This Specimen Identifies as 'Nightmare,' Shares Pronouns, and has Tattooed Eyes for Some Reason

Watch: This Specimen Identifies as 'Nightmare,' Shares Pronouns, and has Tattooed Eyes for Some Reason
Joseph Gunderson - November 29, 2021 at 01:15PM

Twitter is a cesspool, a loose conglomeration of pseudo-intellectuals, complete crackpots, and mentally ill weirdos. Every so often, there are a few good apples, but they are extremely outnumbered. And so, one is constantly confronted with delightful little gems like this.

Meet Queen Weirdo, who identifies as a transwoman, intersex woman, and goes by she/her, they/them, and “your grace.”

“I identify as a threat, a nightmare, and a goddess. So, please, bow down to me. I do not believe in God. I don’t worship the Devil, but yes, I am a Satanist, which means I am my own god, and I worship myself.”

Well, at least...

"My eyes are tattooed."

Well, at least we can agree on some things: I consider these types of people both a threat and a nightmare, as well.

I would really like to know what causes people to become this. I’ve read books. I’ve listened to people opine about the topic. But this is just an unfathomable level of insanity.

God, help us. After this, I’m saying a few extra Hail, Mary’s, hoping for that rapture. The human race might just have to pack it in, y’all.

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from Steven Crowder Says

New Twitter CEO Thinks Free Speech is Dated, Claims Misinformation's Not About What's 'True' and 'False'

New Twitter CEO Thinks Free Speech is Dated, Claims Misinformation's Not About What's 'True' and 'False'
Brodigan - November 29, 2021 at 12:25PM

Parag Agrawal, Twitter's now-former CTO, has been named CEO. Jack Dorsey has stepped down. While we here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website thank Dorsey for the laughs, let's take a look at Parag. Judging by his past tweet, he's a radical lefty. That's not surprising. Silicon Valley leftists are notorious for thinking dumb things. It would be more surprising if he didn't. What's more concerning are his views on free speech. He's not a fan.

First, here's Parag Agrawal.

In 2020, Agrawal--who is now CEO of the company that decided what speech is allowed to be freely discussed--said in an interview he doesn't much care for free speech.

"Our role is not to be bound by the First Amendment, but our role is to serve a healthy public conversation and our moves are reflective of things that we believe lead to a healthier public conversation. The kinds of things that we do about this is, focus less on thinking about free speech, but thinking about how the times have changed."

In a separate 2020 interview, Agrawal--who is now CEO of the company that decides what is or isn't misinformation--said misinformation is not so much about what is or is not fact but what it does to people's feelings.

"We focused way less on what’s true and what’s false. We focus way more on potential for harm as a result of certain content being amplified on the platform without appropriate context."

Presumably, the people who decide that context are... the people who work at Twitter. I'm guessing the same people who believe the misinformation that led to Kyle Rittenhouse looking at five charges of first-degree murder.

Twitter is the least popular, least used social media platform. The problem is it's the most popular with politicians and the media. It should be paramount that these two groups are held accountable for the words that come out of their mouths. In the older days, it was the job of the media to do that to the politicians. Instead, the media uses Twitter to spread its own misinformation, unchecked by Twitter, that the politicians use as sources. So, we're all on our own now. Social media is, or at least was, supposed to level the playing field.

Hearing these past comments from the new guy in charge of Twitter, a platform that already shows a one-sided bias and has for years, doesn't instill confidence that things will get better. If anything, they'll get much worse.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Twitter's New CEO has a Twitter Problem with This Old, Race Pandering Tweet

Twitter's New CEO has a Twitter Problem with This Old, Race Pandering Tweet
Joseph Gunderson - November 29, 2021 at 11:31AM

After an effort to oust Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey failed last year, it has been announced today that he will be leaving the company.

Dorsey has been an unbelievable failure all around. His company has been failing to grow for some time, now. He’s also been unable to defend several ridiculous actions Twitter has taken in the past—like censoring the New York Post, banning Donald Trump, and taking action on what he and his leftist pals view as “hate speech”—all of which have hurt the company’s bottom dollar.

And while some may be prepared to start jumping for joy to see Dorsey out on his @ss, well, you may want to give it a moment. Jack’s replacement is more of a radical than he is.

Parag Agrawal, formerly the Chief Technology Officer, will assume the role of Twitter CEO, and he’s just terrible.

We can expect that such a repulsive human being will be doing all he can to safeguard free speech and the exchange of diverse ideas. That’s sarcasm, for anyone who didn’t catch it. I think we can expect Twitter to become an even bigger sh*t show.

from Steven Crowder Says

As World Health Org Stokes Hysteria, Doctor Who Found New Omicron Variant Claims: 'It’s Extremely Mild

As World Health Org Stokes Hysteria, Doctor Who Found New Omicron Variant Claims: 'It’s Extremely Mild
Joseph Gunderson - November 29, 2021 at 09:57AM

Are you still taking the WHO seriously? What about Fauci? I’m not, and I’m not because of stuff like this.

Upon the discovery of a new variant of COVID-19, subsequently dubbed Omicron, the WHO has decided, in line with their particular brand of fear-mongering, that the variant “poses a very high risk of infection surges that could have ‘severe consequences’ in some places.”

“Omicron has an unprecedented number of spike mutations, some of which are concerning for their potential impact on the trajectory of the pandemic… The overall global risk… is assessed as very high.”

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus describes the situation surrounding the new variant to be “perilous and precarious,” calling for new international accords to synchronize pandemic responses and incentivize countries to alert others of possible threats. It comes as no surprise that an international organization like the WHO is calling for more power for international organizations… like the WHO.

But is the alarmist stance even necessary? It doesn’t seem like it. And because I’m no MD—although if Fauci was capable of obtaining one it can’t be that difficult—I will defer to the doctor who first found the new variant among her patients.

“What we are seeing clinically in South Africa—and remember, I’m at the epicenter, that’s where I’m practicing—it’s extremely mild. We haven’t admitted anyone.”

Unlike so many ignorant lemmings who consume CNN brainwashing on a regular basis, I’m inclined to believe the doctors in the trenches far more than the bureaucrats in organizations like the WHO. And it doesn’t seem like Dr. Angelique Coetzee sounds too worried.

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from Steven Crowder Says

Jack Dorsey Expected to Step Down as Twitter CEO: Here's Our Top 5 'Jack Dorsey is a Clown' Moments

Jack Dorsey Expected to Step Down as Twitter CEO: Here's Our Top 5 'Jack Dorsey is a Clown' Moments
Brodigan - November 29, 2021 at 09:51AM

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is expected to step down from the company today. As CEO, Dorsey oversaw the least popular social media platform with oversized influence because of how many leftist nincompoops confused it for real news. No word out on why or when Dorsey will step down. As we wait for Jack and his stupid beard to make it official, let's take a trip down memory lane.

1. Hunter Biden's laptop

Ah, yes. The story about Hunter Biden's laptop that Twitter unilaterally called fake news, that turned out to be 100% accurate. Twitter, under @Jack, blocked the New York Post out of their Twitter account for that one.

2. Getting slapped around by Ted Cruz

This happened not once but on two different occasions. Yes, we all would have preferred seeing some action coming out of these hearings. That doesn't make this any less enjoyable to watch.

3. Giving Colin Kaepernick Three Million Dollars

Kaepernick, apparently being the only social justice activist that white liberals know, was given a ton of money from @Jack to do social justice things. Not sure what Kap did with the money. After @Jack got to check off the box, I don't think he cared.

4. That time Dorsey thought his beard warded off ISIS

From Vanity Fairy: "A source who worked with him told me Dorsey had sent a rapper his beard shavings to make him an amulet that would protect him from evildoers.”

5. Getting smacked around by Tim Pool and Joe Rogan

In 2019, Jack Dorsey and one of his lawyers went on Joe Rogan's podcast to answer charges of the leftist bias @Jack claimed Twitter didn't have. I don't think he was expecting Tm Pool:

Trump Was Right About Statues... | Louder With Crowder youtu.be

from Steven Crowder Says

SHOW NOTES: Jack Dorsey STEPPING DOWN as Twitter CEO??

SHOW NOTES: Jack Dorsey STEPPING DOWN as Twitter CEO??
Team Crowder - November 29, 2021 at 09:25AM

Is it time for a conscious uncoupling between the Left and Right? Crowder says maybe, and the Left isn’t getting custody of America. We also look at this new Omicron variant they are trying to scare us with. And BREAKING NEWS: Jack Dorsey's Stepping Down as Twitter CEO?

from Steven Crowder Says

Replacing Kamala with Pete? White House Staffers See Buttigieg as Future Democratic Frontrunner for President

Replacing Kamala with Pete? White House Staffers See Buttigieg as Future Democratic Frontrunner for President
Joseph Gunderson - November 29, 2021 at 08:57AM

Since Biden took office, the Democrats have been looking for who will replace him. There are serious doubts that Biden will run for re-election in 2024, and after the recent off-year elections like the trouncing the left received in Virginia, midterms are shaping up to be a red wave of epic proportions. A strong candidate is a must if the Dems have any chance in 2024, so who will it be?

Americans can’t stand Kamala Harris. She’s uncharismatic, awkwardly off-putting, and that nervous cackle she breaks into makes one wonder whether the children should be hidden before she starts cooking them or something. Only after Joe gets to sniff them first (that’s how they tell if they are ripe, you understand). She’s also petty and incompetent. Basically, Kamala would be the worst choice.

So, whispers are now circulating, and eyes are looking at Mayor Pete to take up the mantle. Never mind that Petey couldn’t be bothered to deal with the transportation crisis ravaging the country because he had to play house with his newly adopted baby. Or the fact that he’s a leftist radical who has failed to win state elections and failed horribly in the last presidential election, too.

But the left loves checking off intersectional boxes more than they like keeping the country afloat. Kamala will be adding Pete to the list of people she no likey, and we might get some anonymous White House source to leak dirty secrets about Buttigieg. It will all be awfully entertaining.

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