Monday, March 8, 2021

Dan Crenshaw Illustrates How Stimulus Bill Only Makes Sense Using 'Democrat Math'

Dan Crenshaw Illustrates How Stimulus Bill Only Makes Sense Using 'Democrat Math'
Brodigan - March 08, 2021 at 07:10AM

The Senate passed the craptastic stimulus bill over the weekend. The House votes again on Tuesday; then it goes to Joe Biden for his signature. If I were to guess, there will probably be a big media event where the president signs the bill while the White House refuses to refuses to let Biden take any questions. The main feature of the bill is Americans getting $1,400 checks. But only some of us.

Every single Republican in both chambers voted against the bill. The left and the media (but I repeat myself) will claim that it's because Republicans hate the middle class and schoolchildren. When the truth is, as Rep. Dan Crenshaw points out, the problem is that we don't understand Democrat math. Have you ever wondered what an honest conversation with the government would be like? It might go a little something like this:

I'm the government. I'm here to save America, man. I just need your help.

Let me be clear. A HUGE part of the problem with this bill is all the allegedly fiscally responsible, deficit-minded conservatives who got elected into power and immediately FORGOT to be fiscally responsible and deficit-minded. We had four years with control of both the White House and the Senate and two with the House as well. Prior to that, we had eight years of "elect me because Democrats spend like drunken sailors." Keep that in mind over the next four years of conservatives trying to say the same.

But Crenshaw's point still stands. The stimulus bill is all deficit spending of the American taxpayer's money. $5,750 a person, of which only $1,400 is returned directly to the taxpayer. The rest of that money is spent on ... stuff. IF the stimulus bill is supposed to provide much-needed direct aid to the American people AND we're saying nuts to all fiscal literacy, just cut everyone a $5,750 check.

from Steven Crowder Says