Monday, March 1, 2021

Canadian Government Issues Insane New COVID Guidelines: Isolate Your Children in Your Own Home

Canadian Government Issues Insane New COVID Guidelines: Isolate Your Children in Your Own Home
Brodigan - March 01, 2021 at 12:07PM

We're approaching the one-year anniversary of "fifteen days flatten the curve" in America. Other countries may have their own version of "fifteen days" to describe how long coronavirus and corona-adjacent restrictions have been going on. Knowing now what we didn't know then, an argument can be made about loosening up restrictions. Unless you live in Canada, the home of Prime Minister Great Reset. The Region of Peel (outside of Toronto) has a different idea. Its guidelines for how to handle YOUR kids should one catch the 'rona are being called a "cruel punishment."

According to Peel Health, the way you should quarantine even asymptomatic children in YOUR HOME is the following:

  • Stay in a separate bedroom.
  • Eat in a separate room apart from others.
  • Use a separate bathroom (if possible).

Here's my personal favorite:

  • If the child must leave their room, they should wear a mask and stay 2 meters apart from others.

Two meters is a little more than six feet for those of us who use normal units of measurements. According to one social media user, "there's a $5K fine for non-compliance."

I would like to think people with half a brain cell would ignore this and tell the local constables where to shove their fine. Then I saw people actually double masking out in the wild and am no longer sure. Thankfully, some experts are speaking out about this being batsh*t crazy. My words, not theirs. Sciencey people like Dr. Susan Richardson, a microbiologist and infectious disease physician, tried to stay more professional in an email to the Toronto Sun.

This is cruel punishment for a child, especially for younger children, 4-10 years old. Shutting a child off from their parents and siblings for up to 14 days in this manner could produce significant and long-lasting emotional and psychological effects.

Gee, do you think? We've seen the adverse psychological effects the lockdowns have caused teenagers by simply being away from their peers. They call it COVID isolation, and it has led some to suicide. Imagine being a kid forced to be isolated from your parents and siblings for two weeks. One or two days? We all want to stay away from people when we're sick. But FOURTEEN DAYS? And this is a policy being put in to place by government health officials LONG AFTER there's been data showing how rare it is for kids to get sick.

This is Canada, so Canadians can handle their own business. They can decide on their own if they'll comply. My personal opinion on the matter is that I would not. And that if you would, you shouldn't be allowed to have kids.

from Steven Crowder Says