Saturday, October 10, 2020

Keith Olbermann Has Epic Meltdown, Calls for Hannity and Amy Coney Barrett to Be 'Removed from Society'

Keith Olbermann Has Epic Meltdown, Calls for Hannity and Amy Coney Barrett to Be 'Removed from Society'
Brodigan - October 10, 2020 at 09:04AM

News broke this week that Keith Olbermann was leaving ESPN to launch a show on YouTube. He felt the American people needed his commentary during this, the most important election of our lifetimes. The American People responded, "...wait, Keith Olbermann still had a job?" Yes folks, this pioneer in unhinged leftist ranting is back (see KEITH OLBERMANN WANTS THE NRA LABELED A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION and KEITH OLBERMANN'S DERANGED RETIREMENT ANNOUNCEMENT EPITOMIZES WHY EVERYONE HATES HIM...) and he's more unhingedier than ever. Here's the full video on YouTube if you are curious and/or want to give him the traffic. I'd rather focus on this clip which is simply the chef's kiss of crazypants.

I'm actually impressed. My dude was very thorough. Olbermann knew he had to go big. He researched, studied, and brilliantly crafted the most batsh!t coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs rant he possibly could. Donald Trump should be prosecuted? Meh. That's nothing you can't see on a Facebook meme your low-information leftist cousin just shared. KO knew he had to up the ante. Forget just Trump. Let's ALSO remove from society an US Senator, a talk show host, and the heiress to RBG's seat on the Supreme Court. Just prosecuting and convicting these people — for, I don't know, reasons — would be too good for them. Actively. Remove. Them. From. Society. Feel free to mentally replace each period there with a hand clap emoji for the full effect.

Keith Olbermann is back, friends. It may possibly be the most 2020 thing to happen yet.

from Steven Crowder Says