Friday, October 30, 2020

JP Sears Found a Disease Worse Than COVID: Thinking For Yourself

JP Sears Found a Disease Worse Than COVID: Thinking For Yourself
Brodigan - October 30, 2020 at 07:08AM

This country is in a pandemic. I guess, technically, the entire world is in a pandemic. But this country is the only one that matters. There's a pandemic worse than COVID-19 and/or the coronavirus, and our government isn't doing nearly enough to combat it. The disease is people thinking for themselves about COVID-19 and/or the coronavirus. Also, probably who to vote for too. Let my personal life coach JP Sears (see COMEDIAN JP SEARS APPLIES 'PANDEMIC THINKING' TO EVERYTHING, ILLUSTRATING HOW SILLY IT IS and COMEDIAN MOCKS AMERICANS' BLIND FAITH IN THE MEDIA AND THE 'NARRATIVE') explain more and illustrate some warning signs to be mindful of.

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