Thursday, October 22, 2020

Ohio Sheriff Offers Plan to Help Celebrities Leave the Country if Trump is Re-elected

Ohio Sheriff Offers Plan to Help Celebrities Leave the Country if Trump is Re-elected
Brodigan - October 22, 2020 at 09:15AM

Hollywood celebrities threatening to move out of the country if the American people don't vote the way celebrities want them to is nothing. What would be new is if a single one of them actually backed up their convictions with courage. But, you know, LOL at that. Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones is one not known to suffer fools (see HERO SHERIFF LETS THE PEOPLE KNOW: 'I AM NOT THE MASK POLICE' and OHIO SHERIFF OFFERS FREE CONCEALED CARRY CLASS TO TEACHERS). Should any celebrity wish to nut up before they shut up, Jones will help them pack.

Especially since he feels celebrities who are that anti-Trump also seem to be anti-cop.

These are mostly the same people who don't like police, that doesn't like first responders. I hope you do leave. Maybe you can make a better life there in that country.

I'd actually respect celebrities if they did actually move because of how much they hate Trump. Or, any Republican president, really, because like I said, this isn't new. They should find another country. Or maybe even start their own. I hear Jeffrey Epstein's island isn't being used right now. They can call it "New Hollywood."

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