Brodigan - October 15, 2020 at 12:57PM

You know the news is pretty chaotic when Ice Cube kinda-sorta working with the Trump administration isn't even top five. To recap, Ice Cube met with the Trump campaign, which liked some of his ideas, and Twitter is pissed about it. It would have been interesting to hear the rapper and filmmaker discuss this more, and apparently he was all set to on Chris Cuomo's show tonight. But it looks like someone might be a little scared.
The original ban could have had something to do with anti-Semitic comments Cube was making a few months ago and a dust-up with CNN's Jake Tapper over them. Maybe the booker for Andrew's Idiot Brother wasn't aware of the ban. Or maybe when they heard the words "Ice Cube" and "Trump," they figured the rapper remixed No Vaseline about the 2020 election, then got into a panic when they realized they were going to have a black man on their show who doesn't like Joe Biden. Even worse, a black man who might expose some hard truths about the Democratic Party. You can't have that so close to Election Day!
Inquiring minds want to know. Hopefully there is an inevitable Tucker Carlson interviewing Ice Cube in the near future.
from Steven Crowder Says