Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Top 5 Liberal Meltdowns Over Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation to the Supreme Court

Top 5 Liberal Meltdowns Over Amy Coney Barrett's Confirmation to the Supreme Court
Brodigan - October 27, 2020 at 06:49AM

It's done. There is nothing left to jinx. Amy Coney Barrett has OFFICIALLY taken her place as rightful heir to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and has been CONFIRMED to the Supreme Court. Watching the Glorious ACB crush the hopes and dreams of the left during the hearings was fun (see SENATOR CORNYN ASKS TO SEE AMY CONEY BARRETT'S NOTES. SHE HOLDS UP A BLANK NOTEBOOK! and AMY CONEY BARRETT RESPONDS TO LIBERALS ATTACKING HER FAMILY & RELIGION, AND SHE DOESN'T HOLD BACK). But to truly enjoy the leftist meltdowns, I may Irish up my coffee this morning. Here are some of my favorites.

Senator Ed Markey wins for best tweet, covering all the bases of -ists and -isms. Also, anyone who doesn't know that "originalism" includes all the constitutional amendments is either a liar lying because he knows how low information and easily manipulated liberals are, or is just simply a moron.

Senator Mazie Hirono scores points for being the most overly dramatic and sanctimonious about her vote.

It wouldn't be a Supreme Court confirmation without some idiot dressed as a handmaid and yelling things about stuff. Harry Potter called and he says you should read another book.

Of course, you can't have a Top 5 of leftist meltdowns without someone crying in their car for the entertainment of anyone with a TikTok.

Finally, we have someone freaking out in the shower. Because that's how totally sane, not unhinged, grown-ups handle something they heard on the news.

To these five people and to all others having equal or greater meltdowns, I say thank you. Thank you for not only sacrificing your dignity, but broadcasting it all over the internet for the amusement of others. Dare I say, you are the real MVPs.

Actually, Donald Trump is the real MVP for his third Supreme Court confirmation. But you guys are a'ight too.

from Steven Crowder Says