Friday, October 23, 2020

AOC is Super Angry Donald Trump Called Her AOC

AOC is Super Angry Donald Trump Called Her AOC
Brodigan - October 23, 2020 at 08:07AM

AOC is super mad that Donald Trump called her AOC and didn't refer to her by her official title, Congresswoman AOC. Rep. AOC works too. She's a super serious person who demands to be taken super seriously (see AOC SAYS THE WORKING CLASS DOESN'T NEED BILLIONAIRES and AOC MADE EXCUSES FOR NYC'S CRIME RATE GOING UP. YES, THEY'RE SILLY.). But it's not just a disrespect for her, Congresswoman AOC, that she's concerned with. It's the super obvious disrespect it shows all women!

Let's set aside the fact Donald Trump has made it clear he doesn't respect anyone. Let's also ignore the fact that as president, Barack Obama called people by their first names as opposed to their titles all the time. Calling you AOC instead of your official title doesn't signal a lack of Republican respect for women in the slightest. Ambassador Haley. Governor Noem. Senator Ernst. Congresswoman Gabbard. Republicans respect women and show their respect for women regularly. They just don't respect you.

Also, Trump referring to the Squad as "AOC Plus 3" was hilarious.

from Steven Crowder Says