Thursday, October 29, 2020

Joe Rogan Unloads on Critics of His Alex Jones Interview

Joe Rogan Unloads on Critics of His Alex Jones Interview
Brodigan - October 29, 2020 at 07:06AM

Joe Rogan's drama with Spotify has been enjoyable to watch, a nice break from the chaos consuming the 2020 election season. You just knew people were going to wild out when Alex Jones was a guest (see JOE ROGAN FINALLY ADDRESSED SPOTIFY CONTROVERSY, CHARGES OF 'TRANSPHOBIA' and JOE ROGAN INTERVIEWS ALEX JONES ON HUNTER BIDEN, SPOTIFY USERS ARE TRIGGERED BY IT). Jones touched on vaccines, a stooge from Media Matters clipped something out of context of Jones touching on vaccines, and now everyone is upset that Joe Rogan is pushing anti-vaxxer conspiracy theories.

Except that's not what happened, and Rogan is pushing back against critics who he KNEW would take things out of context.

Here's the thing: I was of the impression that being an anti-vaxxer was the acceptable position on the left. It wasn't originally, and they were even market-testing what celebrities would get you to take a vaccine. Then as we got closer to Election Day and having a vaccine for COVID might help Donald Trump, all of a sudden we shouldn't trust vaccines, the FDA, or the CDC, the latter two being the experts we were told to trust on COVID until what they were saying went against the left's preferred narrative.

Apparently it's less about what is said and more about who says. That leaves only one thing to do. Alex Jones needs to come out in support of abortion, forced unionization, and socialized medicine. If he wanted to spend the next four days campaigning for Biden-Harris, that would be okay too.

from Steven Crowder Says