Thursday, October 22, 2020

Chris Cuomo Allegedly Refuses to Follow Mask Mandates He Hypocritically Demands You Follow

Chris Cuomo Allegedly Refuses to Follow Mask Mandates He Hypocritically Demands You Follow
Brodigan - October 22, 2020 at 07:14AM

Tucker Carlson enjoys dunking on Chris Cuomo more than he enjoyed bow ties in the '90s. This latest alleged claim, if true, validates what many of us have always believed: The word "Cuomo" is actually a Sicilian term meaning "flaming hypocrite" (see CNN WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE CHRIS CUOMO HAS JUST COME OUT OF QUARANTINE. THIS TIMELINE PROVES OTHERWISE... and WHILE ANDREW CUOMO BANS GYMS FROM OPENING IN NY, CRISTINA CUOMO DOES YOGA AT AN EXPENSIVE HAMPTONS SHOE STORE). Apparently, allegedly, as Andrew's Idiot Brother goes on CNN demanding you wear a mask, he can't be bothered to do the same himself.

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