Thursday, October 29, 2020

Biden Supporter Charges at Trump Supporter, Needs His Unhinged Mom to Save Him

Biden Supporter Charges at Trump Supporter, Needs His Unhinged Mom to Save Him
Brodigan - October 29, 2020 at 11:06AM

Election Day is only a few days away, and people are starting to wild out. I mean, they've been wildin' since the beginning of the pandemic. But this close to the end of the election cycle, the craziness is flowing left and right. Though mostly left. I have to be honest. For a guy who, at least according to polls, looks like he could very well win on Tuesday, Joe Biden supporters seem particularly angry and unhinged. Like with this video that takes place somewhere in America. As a friend alluded to on Twitter, if you're going angrily charge at someone, know how to fight in the first place. That way you don't need your pleasantly plump mom (allegedly) coming to your defense.

I guess these Biden supporters deserve a modicum of credit. Usually when they start bugging like this, they take it out on children (see BIDEN SUPPORTERS THROW EGGS AT A LITTLE GIRL BECAUSE THEY'RE HORRIBLE PEOPLE and WATCH THESE BIDEN SUPPORTERS MAKE A 7-YEAR-OLD TRUMP SUPPORTER CRY AND STEAL HIS HAT). This fella at least went after a grown ass man. A grown ass man who knew how to keep his hands up and defend himself. That could be why when Biden supporters get triggered, they tend to prefer taking it out on minors.

But dude, it's bad enough the MAGA bro pulled your punk card. But for you to then stand there while your mommy (allegedly) fought your battles for you and looked liked she was going to eat the guy, I'm simply embarrassed for the both of us.

from Steven Crowder Says