Monday, October 26, 2020

Kamala Harris Struggles When Questioned on Being a 'Socialist'

Kamala Harris Struggles When Questioned on Being a 'Socialist'
Brodigan - October 26, 2020 at 07:57AM

We're supposed to believe that Joe Biden is a pragmatic centrist who's going to unite the country. That's made difficult when his running mate is half a commie like Kamala Harris is (see TWITTER USERS REMIND KAMALA HARRIS OF HER ABORTION EXTREMISM WITH THESE PERSONAL PHOTOS and REMINDER: KAMALA 'PRAGMATIC MODERATE' HARRIS WANT TO CONFISCATE YOUR GUNS). Also, let's be honest. Joe Biden is nothing more than a sock puppet for all the extreme left's soggiest dreams. Harris is just the one who has her hand up his rectum, controlling him like he's either Statler or Waldorf.

60 Minutes, oddly enough, actually challenged the Democrat candidate somewhat, asking her about her more extreme positions compared to Biden's pragmatic centrism. They even brought up the dreaded "S-word."

60 MINUTES: You have the most liberal voting record.


60 MINUTES: Are you socialist? Or progressive?


60 MINUTES: How soon after inauguration are you going to play the 25th Amendment against Biden like it's an Uno Draw 4 card?


It doesn't matter what you call the policies. You can call them a ham sandwich for all I care. Politicians like Kamala Harris have made it clear they don't think they have enough control over you and your life. Every policy they announce is designed to over-regulate you just like that. All you have to do is look at the shutdown orders from tyrannical blue-state governors as evidence. Every decision Kamala Harris has made and every pander she's ever uttered have proven she comes from the extreme left, no matter how you label it.

Also, Joe Biden himself? He's not moderate in any way, shape, or form ...

from Steven Crowder Says