Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hodgetwins Share Some of Their Favorite Recent Feminist Meltdowns

Hodgetwins Share Some of Their Favorite Recent Feminist Meltdowns
Brodigan - October 21, 2020 at 07:07AM

Liberals, particularly the whiter and more female among them, have lost their ability to deal under Donald Trump. It's been the whole four years, but ever since Ruth Bader Ginsburg vacated her Supreme Court seat to Amy Coney Barrett, they've really gone bananas. It's like they went to Starbucks, found out they are out of pumpkin spice, and the barista spelled Becki's name with a "y" an the end instead of an "i" with a heart where the dot would be. Only they feel that way all the time. Our friends the Hodgetwins collected some of their favorite recent meltdowns in this medley.

I'm not one to suggest voting for the president of the United States just because of how much it would piss off his political opponents. There are much more important issues that affect us as Americans to consider. But far be it from me to discourage you from voting that way. If you think the meltdowns are hysterical now, they'll be pee-your-pants funny after Trump get inaugurated a second time.

from Steven Crowder Says