Monday, October 19, 2020

Comedian Rob Schneider Unloads on Gavin Newsom's New 'Ban' on Celebrating Thanksgiving

Comedian Rob Schneider Unloads on Gavin Newsom's New 'Ban' on Celebrating Thanksgiving
Brodigan - October 19, 2020 at 07:42AM

Commiefornia Governor Gavin Newsom has announced new regulations for celebrating Thanksgiving, effectively banning you from having more than three families over, and they can only be over for two hours. Also, everyone is banned from singing. Just because, you know (see GAVIN NEWSOM DEMANDS YOU NOT SEE FAMILY ON JULY 4TH, BUT THIS PHOTO LEAVES QUESTIONS ... and A BRAVE CALIFORNIA CHURCH IS TAKING A STAND AGAINST GAVIN NEWSOM'S TYRANNICAL SHUTDOWN ORDERS). To be fair to Newsom, there are probably families who actually welcome the excuse not to invite certain family members over. Or any family members over. The perfect Thanksgiving for me is smoking a cigar with some bourbon on the porch and having everyone leave me alone as I watch football with a turkey sandwich.

But I can make that personal choice myself without the tyranny, which is what most people have the problem with. Like comedian Rob Schneider, who pointed out just how ludicrous the new regulations are.

I'm trying to decide what is worse: the number of Californians who are also snitch-@$ b!tches, ratting people out if a fourth carload shows up with a casserole? Or the idea that California might actually send code enforcement officers walking up and down the street listening to make sure there is no singing? Also, who the hell sings at Thanksgiving dinner in the first place? Plus I defy you to point to the science to back any of this up. The fact that we are arbitrarily deciding three families for two hours is OK but four families for three hours would give you the 'rona is why more and more Americans are not listening any more.

What's scary is just how liberal (pun totally intended) some elected officials are getting regulating what you are allowed to do IN YOUR OWN HOME. Based mainly on the fear they caused in the first place. If that's not the biggest lesson learned during the entirety of the pandemic, you aren't paying attention.

from Steven Crowder Says