Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Trump Spox Takes Down Chris Cuomo Over Pandemic Hypocrisy, Clowning with His Brother Andrew

Trump Spox Takes Down Chris Cuomo Over Pandemic Hypocrisy, Clowning with His Brother Andrew
Brodigan - October 27, 2020 at 07:32AM

Whether you think Chris is the idiot brother or Andy is the idiot brother, the Cuomo Comedy Hour was one the most insufferable parts of the pandemic. Laughing it up as New York had the highest body count and lecturing Americans about rules that they didn't follow themselves (see TUCKER CARLSON UNMASKED ONE OF THE BIGGEST PANDEMIC HYPOCRITES: CHRIS CUOMO and ANDREW CUOMO IS WRITING A BOOK ON HIS COVID RESPONSE. SIDE NOTE: OVER 32,000 NYERS ARE DEAD ...). Trump campaign director of communications Tim Murtaugh was invited on the show, most likely for another classic Cuomo lecture. Instead, Murtaugh brought receipts.

I find it curious, speaking of your brother, you're going to ask me these self-righteous questions and talk about people taking it seriously, does this look like a couple of guys who were taking it seriously? You had your brother on for the Cuomo brothers comedy hour, joking about the size of the Q-tip that you would need for his nose to get a test.

This is usually where someone, a leftist addicted to panic porn someone, chimes in and says that attacking the media distracts from the real issue of the pandemic and the coronavirus super-spreading like it's Cristina Cuomo doing yoga in an expensive shoe store while the rest of New York was locked out of their gyms. Actually, the media is the issue. If you are concerned about Americans no longer taking the virus seriously and no longer listening to the "experts," it's because of the media.

Most people were okay when they actually thought they were all in this together. Then the media started promoting super-spreading riots and protests while lecturing the rest of us not to go visit our family and stay six feet apart from everyone else. Then once the riots died down, the media went right back to the coronalectures on social distancing and masks that you know damn well they don't follow themselves, and it became clear that we're not all in this together.

There are rules for the Cuomos, the media, and the people who agree with them politically. Then there are rules for the rest of us. Blame Trump and blame Facebook memes all you want. Eventually, the media needs to be held accountable for the division and distrust it's responsible for.

from Steven Crowder Says