Friday, October 16, 2020

First Blind SCOTUS Clerk Gives Emotional Testimony Supporting Amy Coney Barrett

First Blind SCOTUS Clerk Gives Emotional Testimony Supporting Amy Coney Barrett
Brodigan - October 16, 2020 at 09:40AM

2020 has been a sh!tshow of colossal proportions. Like the morning after a night of bad Mexican food, only 290 of those nights in a row. But one highlight shining out throughout all the suck was Amy Coney Barrett. We were expecting her hearings to be World War Eleventy, but instead Democrats just didn't have the strength. Even if they did, Barrett was just simply better than them (see SENATOR CORNYN ASKS TO SEE AMY CONEY BARRETT'S NOTES. SHE HOLDS UP A BLANK NOTEBOOK! and SEN. COONS ATTACKS AMY CONEY BARRETT'S INTEGRITY. HER RESPONSE IS PITCH-PERFECT.). As if the Glorious ACB didn't impress enough on her own, here's Laura Wolk, a former law student of Barrett's and the first blind person to clerk at the Supreme Court.

She credits Barrett for her being the first blind person to clerk at the Supreme Court.

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