Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Robert Downey Jr. Comes Out Strong to Defend Chris Pratt Against 'Cancel Culture'

Robert Downey Jr. Comes Out Strong to Defend Chris Pratt Against 'Cancel Culture'
Brodigan - October 21, 2020 at 07:09AM

Chris Pratt was trending this week for reasons so stupid, it wasn't even worth baiting clicks. Coming from me, that's saying something. What happened was 6 out of the 217 actors who have been in Avengers movies announced they were doing a Kamala Harris fundraiser. Chris Pratt wasn't one of those names, so a few leftist doucheburritos decided that made him a Trump supporter since they already hate Pratt in the first place (see CHRIS PRATT MADE A JOKE ABOUT CELEBRITY VIRTUE SIGNALLING OVER VOTING, AND THE LEFT IS TRIGGERED! and CHRIS PRATT MOCKS CELEBRITY APOLOGIES, ADDRESSES HATERS OVER HIM INSENSITIVELY ... SHARING HIS SNACKS). Enough idiots tweeted the same stupid opinion, and the next thing you know, the "worst Chris" has alleged news articles written about him and this new outrage.

Robert Downey Jr., ironically enough one of the many other actors not taking part in he fundraiser, thinks this whole this is as dumb as you do. And he wants everyone to know he has Pratt's back.

What a world... The "sinless" are casting stones at my #brother, Chris Pratt... A real #Christian who lives by #principle, has never demonstrated anything but #positivity and #gratitude... AND he just married into a family that makes space for civil discourse and (just plain fact) INSISTS on service as the highest value.
If you take issue with Chris,,, I've got a novel idea.
Delete your social media accounts, sit with your OWN defects of #character, work on THEM, then celebrate your humanness... #gotyerbackbackback

Leftists are absurd. It's not even that Chris Pratt is openly conservative, outside the fact that he likes Jesus and hunting. But he has a platform and doesn't used that platform to validate progressives' every dumb opinion and constantly tell them how pretty they are, so he's the "worst Chris" and therefore has to be delegitimized and destroyed. Not that they can, especially when you scroll through RDJ's likes and comments and see all the other actors and filmmakers who agree with them.

In the real world, people can keep their politics to themselves outside of when they fill in bubbles on Election Day. Yes, that even includes Hollywood.

from Steven Crowder Says