Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Senator Challenges Big Tech CEOs to Name a Single Liberal Who Has Been Censored. They Can't.

Senator Challenges Big Tech CEOs to Name a Single Liberal Who Has Been Censored. They Can't.
Brodigan - October 28, 2020 at 01:55PM

Christmas came early as both Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg were dragged before a Senate committee to discuss Big Tech censorship. Note to fact-checkers: "Dragged" is an expression. I realize that they Skyped themselves in. It would have been nice if the Republican-controlled Senate had the stones to do this months ago, when it would have had more time to resonate with the American people what exactly goes on. But I'll take watching these two d*ckheads squirm anyway I can (see CRUZ TORCHES TWITTER CEO JACK DORSEY: WHO THE HELL ELECTED YOU?! and TED CRUZ TO SUBPOENA TWITTER CEO TO ANSWER FOR 'ELECTION INTERFERENCE').

It's adorable in a way that makes you stabby to see Zuck and Jack still claim that they don't play sides and are not censoring users based on their political biases. Senator Mike Lee even gave them an opportunity to name a single high-profile liberal who has been censored from either platform. SPOILER: They couldn't.

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